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I've.....always been obsessed with things being even.
Things like the number of spoons or forks, simple things like that
My husband says I take things too far sometimes.
We just had kids a few weeks ago. I should be feeling happy like any other
mother, but I'm not.
Why shoul I be happy? I had triplets, three, an uneven number.
Two girls and a boy.
It is driving me up the wall! I try so hard to make everything even.
Why me, I am a good person, aren't I?
I glare at the boy in distaste.
It has been a couple days since they sent me home.
I have finally figured out how to fix my problem.
My husband won't be home for a few more hours.
I carefully take the newborn out of his crib and take him to my room
Setting him on my bed I feel the cold steel againts my hand as I pick
up the gun. Aiming it at the small figure that has made my life hell
I pull the trigger.
Bang Bang
The deed was done.
I felt my mouth pull upwards into a grin.
I was giggling when I heard sirens.  Of course, how could I forget neighbors?
They would have called the police after they heard the gunshot.
The door flew open, turning around I looked at the police.
The looks on their faces were of pure horror. My smile widened.
Two officers.
An even number.

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