Don't Bully (Short Story)

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One day, there was this girl named Mikayla, and was bullied a lot in school, made fun at, named at, and more. so she was walking in the hallways and then the bully just came out of nowhere and started making fun of her of how ugly she is and disgusting are the clothes that she wears. and the bully is a girl named Juliet, she bullies every nerd and weirdo she sees. she makes fun of people for fun and laughter. Mikayla, eats her lunch in the bathroom, because, she doesn't have any friends. when Juliet and her minions Jessica, and Courtney went to the bathroom to do their hair, makeup and other stuff, they were talking about Mikayla.

Juliet Pov:

"Mikayla is such a disgusting pig! that's why when she gets out of school we are gonna beat her up. and once we finish beating her up we're just gonna leave her there. and we're just gonna go after another weirdo"

her minions Jessica and Courtney started laughing and Juliet was smirking.

And Mikayla heard the whole conversation! and when Juliet and her minions were done at doing what they were doing, Juliet said "okay, girls ttyl, going to class, air kisses! *air kisses*"

Mikayla was so shocked,freaked out, and scared, she was so worried. she finished eating her lunch and went directly to class. Math was about to start and then, when Mikayla was in class, one of the boys in the back were throwing paper balls at her and when she looked back, the boys and Juliet were laughing. She just ignored them till they stopped. the bell ringed it's time to go home. everyone was happy that all class were already over. some people said "Yes!" "Finally!" "Woohoo!".

Mikayla left from school and Juliet and her minions were waiting for her, Juliet, Jessica, and Courtney were hiding in a spot where she can't find her and then Mikayla was walking and Juliet, Jessica and Courtney blocked her way. Mikayla said "get out of the way please and leave me alone" Juliet and her minions were laughing and started bothering her and she was counting when to beat her up in "5,4,3,2,1" Juliet just punched her and she fell down with blood dripping down her mouth. Jessica and Courtney were laughing and while she was on the floor they started kicking her in the stomach and other parts.

And then this charming handsome boy he was a brunette haired guy and he saw that those bullies were beating her up, he went running to her and said "STOP!" the bullies went running somewhere else. the charming handsome boy named Dylan he got down, grabbed her head and said "Are you okay?" she said "Who are you?" he said "I'm Dylan, What's your name?" she said "Mikayla" then she blacked out. Dylan took her directly to the hospital and called the police.

Dylan gave all the information that he saw to the police and now the cops are trying to get information from the bullies which are Juliet, Jessica and Courtney for the cops could find them and arrest them.

Mikayla is in the hospital with bruises, dried blood, and scars. Mikayla parents were waiting in the hospital Mikayla mom was crying and Dylan was sitting down next to her parents. Mikayla's parents were thanking Dylan for what he's done. Mikayla woke up and told the nurse that she wanted to see her parents and the nurse went to the hallways to look for the parents and the nurse said that "Mikayla is looking for you" the parents went to the room that she was in. and the parents were saying how much they missed her and how much they love her and all that stuff. then Dylan came inside the room and Mikayla parents left to give Dylan and Mikayla a minute. Mikayla was thanking Dylan for what he's done for her. Dylan chuckled and said "You're Welcome" and both of them became best friends.

-2 months later-

The bullies Juliet, Jessica, and Courtney were found and got caught by the cops at the mall and went to jail for bullying people.

Mikayla's bruises and scars were gone. Mikayla and Dylan were officially dating. Turns out everyone was happy, except for the bullies like they were still in jail. after Juliet, Jessica, and Courtney got out of jail they decided to stop bullying people and start being nice to people but they stopped being The Popular Girls in school. Mikayla and Dylan weren't friends with Juliet and her minions, they ignored each other and decided to move on with everything that happened before Juliet and her minions were bullies. Juliet, Jessica, and Courtney were grounded for 1 year and went to boot camp that's how they started being nice.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2013 ⏰

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