
133 9 12

Started: Feb 27th, 2016

This challenge is based off of video ChildLine made (above). This video really impacted me, and I hope it impacts you. 2 minutes of your time can change your perspective forever.

Challenge #1:


Write a story where either a victim, an abuser, or a bystander sees/hears verbal abuse and a physical wounds/scars appear the victim. Or the victim can show someone their scars of verbal abuse.  The abuser can be anyone. Peers at school, parents, teachers, friends, siblings, etc. The victim and bystander can be anyone as well.


Once you write this story, or start on it if it is more than one chapter, put a link to it below in the comments section. I will be able to put it in a reading list and send you a reward as a thank you. You will get your own challenge participant sticker to put on your book for being so awesome.

Come on. Who wouldn't want a cool sticker?


• Write a story using the plot above.

• Say in your summary that you are part of this challenge.

• Tag your story with #stopverbalabusewc

(WC for writing challenges)

• Put a link to your story below.

Deadline & Length Requirements:

There isn't any!

Writing Challenges (#stopverbalabusewc)Where stories live. Discover now