How Could You Do This To Me?? Chapter Eleven

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Long Chap For You Guys. I Typed It In Word, It said it was 4 1/2 pages on there. idk how much it will be on here!

Hope you like it

Tell me what you think!!




Chapter Eleven.


I was sitting in the dark room they had taken me to after the long ride. The walls were cold and cement. The floor was wet. I was sitting on the floor in a far cornor.

My head ached. My body hurt. My cheeks were wet and stained. I probably looked like shit. Oh well. I tried to sit up, but my body wouldnt let me. I closed my eyes. If only jamie were here.

My eyes snapped open and darted to the left of me. I heard the click and clid of the dead bolt being unlocked on the outside of the door. The door slowly opened. A man walked in. he was tall, very built and mean looking. I looked up at him, my eyes half closed from my sleep deprivation. He just stood there stairing at me. His expression blank.

"Get UP!!!!" he yelled at me. I flinched at the noise, deathly loud for some reason. I slowly tried to slide up the wall to do what he asked, but I simply couldn't do it. I slid back down, the pain from moving was horrible. He sighed with impatience. He walked over and grabbed my arm pulling me up.

I was dragged from the room and out into a hallway. There was a set of stairs at the end in the direction we were headed. We came to the stairs but before we went up. He stopped which made me stop. I heard footsteps coming from a room at my right. I turned and realized the footsteps were coming towards the door.

The door slowly opened as it revealed my father. He stood with a smile on his face, while I stood gawking at him.

" Aubrey, why you must be so tired from your long journey. Why dont you go to your room, we have made for you and we can talk later." he said as he looked above me, probably at that weird guy. Sudddenly I was pulled forward. I was dragged up the stairs and into the last room on the left. The man opened my door, and pushed me in. the door slammed behind me. I heard the all to familiar sounds of locks. Im guessing about four maybe five locks in all.

I turned away from the door to look at the room. There was a beautiful queen sized bed in the middle of the far wall. The pillows were a gold and white, while the blanket was black.. The bed had several pillows. There was a end table on one side, and a closet thing and a dresser with a mirror attached on the other. It was beautiful.

Picture of room ( ---- imagine desert out the windows instead of leaves)

I walked slowly over to the bed. I sat down at the edge. On the pillow was a note. I picked it up. On the front was my name printed in elegant handwriting.


I hope you like your room. Everything you need is here. Look in the drawers. Oh, the bathroom is fully stocked with all of your needs.

Love, Dad

I put the note onto the bedside table. I walked over to the window. I was in the desert. Suddenly I felt a vibration go threw my front pocket. It made me jump halfway across the room. I looked down and saw the familiar buldge in my front left pocket. My cell phone. I pulled it out and answered it.

"He..Hello?" I croaked as I realised my throat was dry.

" Aubrey? that you!" the voice yelled, as I remembered who it belonged to.

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