welcome to hell

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“RENEE WAKE YOUR UGLY ASS UP” Casey my bitch-faced twin sister screams from downstairs

“NO! screw high school” I said which came out a bit muffled since I had a pillow on my head.

“RENNE FOR ASTON KUTCHERS SAKE”!!! she says bursting through my door and storming over to me ripping my covers off. oh year did I mention she’s a bitch

“Jesus Christ casey alright!” I huff swinging my legs around the bed an onto the floor lets just say me and my sister don’t really get on very well.  I grab my dressing gown and stomp into the bathroom slamming the door. I look at the clock what! I have 1 whole hour to get dressed I could have slept for another 50 minutes!!

I’m not really like my sister in anyway she’s all booty shorts and skimpy dresses.

And I’m hoodies and worn jeans kind of gal. Oh and I hate pink with a total passion. I quickly have a shower and fling on some jeans and a batman t-shirt.

And in flys casey on her witches broom. “CASEY HAVE YOU TAKEN MY LIPLOSS!” She screeches ,will she ever shut up!. I raise my eyebrow at her like she’s total stupid.

“why the hell would I take your liploss?” I say really slowly like I’m taking to a 5 year old.

“I DON’T KNOW WHAT GOES ON INSIDE THAT WEIRDO HEAD OF YOURS YOU COULD BE DOING SOME NERDY…WEIRDO..VODOO SHIT TO IT!” She finally gets out. Again with the bloody screaming cant she speak like a normal person she actually looks impressed with herself, god she dim I think while cringing at her outfit. She’s actually going to school in a pink mini skirt and an a white crop top that shows her tanned stomach. Erghh she’s annoying I start cursing under my breath

Everyone at school thinks she’s so beautiful and curvy and I’m the ugly twin who’s fat. WERE BLOODY IDENTICUL! in fact I’m more bloody slimier or whatever you call it than she is its just I chose to hide it and not wear make-up.

“Erghh would you stop with the swearing in Spanish we all know dad tort you and not me” she says huffing crossing her arms over her barley covered chest

“that’s because your stupid.” I say simply, annoyed at the fact she mentioned dad.

“What the fuck ever loser, I’m getting a ride with Chase to school, tell mum”. She said turning on her ridiculous heels. I’m total sick of her treating me like shit and like I’m some wacko nerd that happens to live with her. One day I’m going to bitch slap her all the way to Africa.

To be honest I’m a bit of a rebel I have a pieced tongue witch no one knows about apart from my best friends Liam and Sallie, I have a pieced belly button which absolutely no one knows about because I never show off my stomach and I have a butterfly tattoo at the bottom of my back. I got it when my dad died last year I know I’m under age but I thought what they hell hay? I guess you can call it sentimental because we had a secret handshake that only me and him had you know when you do that butterfly signal with your hands at the end. Casey was mums favourite and I was dads favourite. She was more tutus and fairies while I was soccer and baseball. When he died I didn’t really have anyone in my family I could talk to.

“YOU TELL HER, YOU HIGH MAINTENANCE BITCH”. I scream from my window when I see her climbing in Chase Ryan’s car. Ergghh god he’s a dick.

“*bipolar nerd*” Chase says between coughs, I narrow my eyes at him while my sister girlishly giggles, gross.

“oh don’t worry Chase I’ve got to have meds to keep me sane while living with that” I say pointing to Casey while she scowls at me. ”hope you don’t crash and die Chase, sayonara dickhead” and with that I slam my window down not letting him finish his sentence witch I know would be a insult.

I sling my ruck sack over my shoulder and exit my house. I see in the distance Liam’s old beat up car which is nothing like chases Ferrari which makes me love it even more I can here him and Sallie belting out the lyrics to nanana by chemical romance. The old rust bucket of a car skids to a holt in front of me. I quickly fling open the door and jump in with a sigh.

“Casey still a bitch?” Sallie questions, ha yeah like she doesn’t know the answer to that already

“what do you think?” I say. “OMG Renee have you like totally taken my lip gloss like you’re a total bitch” say doing my best impression of her fling my hair over my shoulder dramatically I probably looked like I was having a fit. Which Liam and Sallie burst out laughing at.

“I don’t even now why I ask” Sallie says once she’d calmed down.

“yep once a whore always a whore, god you should have seen the way her and Chase were eating each others faces off I was about to get out the cannibal repellent”. I say gagging.

“Well look on the bright side if they eat each other that kills to birds with one stone right?” Liam says parking up out side school.

I know the banner says welcome to BlueBridge where young adults come to achieve but it really school say welcome to hell where kids are come to die. Or get tips on how to commit suicide.

“Welcome to another year of hell” Sallies says almost reading my mind.

I suppose our school is like another you’ve got the nerds who spend every lunch and break locked in the library either playing battle games with some overseas Asian boy who has IQ of about 1 million. Most people think I’m in that category but I’m totally not, I just love computers last year me and Liam snuck into the CCTV office in lunch and hacked the speaker system saying in a very nurse like voice ‘would Chase Ryans come to the nurses office were are afraid you do have aids, I repeat would chase Ryans come to the nurses office for the confirmation of his tests.’

Then me and Liam legged it out of there before security came. Let’s just say Chase holds grudges.

Next up are the normal-amazing brilliant people like me Sallie and Liam lets just says there’s very few of those people, 3 to be exact.

Then we have the rebels I don’t even know why there called there that there basically stoners who get high in the changing rooms then bunk of school then cut themselves. Gross I know right that’s why I don’t want to be classed as a rebel. I think they do it because mummy and daddy didn’t by them a new motor bike or the newest handbag. My schools quite rich my mothers a plastic surgeon and my dad was a Spanish professor at some fancy college.

After the rebels come the wanna-be’s who follow the popular kids round like groupies, I mean if they asked they would probably wipe their ass for them, there basically their slaves. In return they get to sit with them at lunch. Saddos.

After the followers we have we then have the jocks. One word DICKS. Total utter brain dead slabs of meat that shag anything with tits. I’m not even going to go into what happened last semester when they were dared to go into a transsexual strip club.

And then comes the high and almighty the ones who you don’t speak unless spoken to. The ones not to cross or they will end your social lives, and I think you can guess the type of people they are. The type who would hang around my sister and Chase, so they must be insane. Well there you have it, are social higherarky.

Today marks another year of hell. Wish me luck.

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