First time and reunion

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Your POV:

"GAAAHHHHHH! " I immediately get away from him.

And I start to wipe my mouth with my sweater.

"(Y/n), you're really asking for a punishment. You will-"

"That was my first kiss. My. First. Kiss. Ever. " as I touch my lips while looking at him.

"-Okay, we're good. Have a good night. Let's just say that it's a tie." Then I ran home, to think about what just happened.


Did I really just accidentally kiss Akashi? What. The. Heck.

I look at the time.

8:53 P.M

I'm gonna play basketball with Tetsuya tomorrow.

Good night

then I drift into the darkness

Next day:

"Didn't you say you wanted to see Tetsuya too?" As I tie my hair to make a pony tail. I was wearing (f/c) boy's short to my knees and (f/c) t-shirt.

"U-uh, yeah, but I might feel left out because I don't know anything about basketball, so-"

"It's okay, I wont leave you out." I smile at her.

I turn my direction at Eito.

"You gonna go too, cause I'm sure you want to get fit for volleyball too?"

Eito nods his head.

"Okay, let's go the car then."

We walk into my (favorite color) car.

I start my engine.

I. still. can't. believe. that. I. kiss. him. what. the frick.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" I yell as I bang my head on my wheel.

Asami and Eito jumps from their seat.



"LET ME TELL YOU A STORY GUYS...." As my eyes widen

"Uh-oh, her eyes are widen. That means something happened to her."

I nod and began to drive to the park.


"BUWAAHAHAHAHAHAH!" Eito laughs out loud.


I start to blush.

"I can't believe that happened to you. Look the way she is blushing, but I bet you liked it (y/n)." Asami smiles as she crosses her arms.

"I DID NOT! SHUSSSSSHH!" Then I turn of the engine and head out.

We all walk to basketball court, but I see no one

"Eito, the volleyball net is over there. Asami I don't care whatever you go, but you can stay or go." As I point the volleyball area.

"Where is Kuroko?" Asami looking around.

"Eh, I'm not sure, but usually he- GAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" I jump as Tetsuya was on my right.

"(y/n), you didn't see me? I was the first one here. Hi Asami-Chan."

"HI, KUROKO! I'm just gonna practice with Eito. BYE!" Then Asami left us.

"Sorry, please forgive me! I'll treat you with vanilla milkshake like how we use to go!" I beg

My secret: Akashi Seijuro x Reader [editing]Where stories live. Discover now