Rakuzan vs. Beast

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Urgh, my spring break is almost done. I don't want to go back to school. >.< I didn't even write during my spring break, but hopefully soon. :'(

- E N J O Y

-Your POV-

"Okay, let's get closer together!"

"Eh, Hayama! You and (y/n) switch spot with each other."

"WHAT?!?! But I wanted to be with Akashi-Kun!"

"Stop whining or you'll do-"

"Yessir!" Hayama pushes me to his spot. I stumble to his spot as I clear my throat

I look into the ground to avoid Akashi's gaze

"(y/n), look to the camera. Not the ground."

"1...." The camera man starts to count

"(y/n)." Akashi coldly calls my name

I breath heavily


Why am I acting like this?


"(y/n), I have your favorite snacks."

"Huh?" I immediately look at him.


"Okay, next team!" The camera announce the next team as we move away

"What? Where's my snacks Akashi?" I stick out my hand

"Hmph. You weren't looking at the camera," I frown at him as he turn his direction to the team "We're going to have a practice match with a team! I do not know what team we're going to against, but meet together in 20 minutes! Jog back everyone!" Then everyone starts to jog one by one.

"Tch, stupid flamehead." I whisper to myself

"What (y/n)?" As he stop jogging

"Nothing." I reply back to him and he continue to jog again

I start to jog with Akashi and then I realize something.

Why does my chest seem to be bouncing...?

I stop and slowly touch my chest quick

I forgot to put my chest wrap on! I need to put it on before the game starts, but I have to jog last! good thing I am wearing a big sweater right now!

"Is something wrong?"

"Uh, I just need to go to the dorm to change my clothes quick." I fake cough

"Why? The clothes you're wearing is perfectly fine for a match."

"Uhhh I just need to change, so you guys go first." Then I begin to jog where the dorm


"Where is it?" As I go through all my bags and looking for my chest wrap

I only have five minutes left before the match begins!

As I dig through more to the deeper suitcase, I saw the brown chest wrap!

"AHAHA! Got it!" I quickly grab it and head the bathroom quick.

I quickly went the stall and wrap the chest area.

Uh, this feels tighter before! I'll fix it later!

Then I sprint to the court to see the team that I am going to go against


"Let's play!" As both our team bow down to each other.

My secret: Akashi Seijuro x Reader [editing]Where stories live. Discover now