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Chapter six! I don't think it's a filler. Not really, there's kind of important stuff

Always: Hey Harry?

Always: you up?

Always: it's like two in the morning for you but idk.

Always: you're like one of the few I can talk to and I just wanna talk.

Always: Harry?

Haz: it's two in the morning Anna.

Haz: what do you need?

Always: ooh, sassy Harry. I like it.

Haz: annabelle.

Haz: state your business.

Always: fine. My mom's fighting with my dad.

Always: and I know it's stupid. Me getting all worked up.

Always: but I just can't stand to hear it.

Haz: aww, Anna. It's okay, Love.

Haz: what are they fighting about?

Always: money. I don't even think they know I'm here. I have a massive headache and I just stayed home.

Haz: why do you have a headache?

Always: Whoops. I meant hangover.

Haz: ANNA! That isn't good.

Always: you make it sound like you are any better. I feel you've gotten drunk before.

Haz: yes. But I'm not 18.

Always: oh fuck off Harry.

Always: I didn't even have that much to drink.

Always: only like, a few cups.

Haz: of?

Always: I don't know actually. Alice just handed them to me.

Haz: that isn't good. Why were you drinking?

Always: my first frat party. Alice thought I needed to loosen up.

Haz: *sigh* bad bad bad.

Haz: I thought better of you.

Always: Hey, if I hadn't done all the shit to get here we wouldn't have met.

Always: so you can't say shit.

Haz: wow. I feel I'm seeing a totally kind of different side. I wanna talk Anna.

Always: we are.

Haz: not on here. On Skype.

Always: I haven't even seen a pic of you though

Haz: if I showed you a pic you wouldn't want to Skype.

Haz: how about next week?

Always: um, yea sure.

Haz: okay. How about today before I chicken out.

Haz: bc I'm really close to chickening out

Haz: really Fucking close.

Always: whenever you want to Harry

Haz: is right now good?

Always: my parents are arguing rn actually.

Haz: oh okay. I wanna add someone to this chat.

Haz: is that okay?

Always: sure. As long as they're nice.

Haz: um. Kind of?

Always: Harry...

Haz: okay cool.

Haz: let's add him.

Always: HARRY!!

*Haz has added Louis to the chat*

It's kind of a cliffhanger. Idk. Yay.

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