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Hey guys, a huge long time no see! Whelp, I've been busy with another story, I know I can't stay put on one thing for too damn long. The story I'm writing is a Daddy kink story about an older guy who meets a young girl. Yes it has an age gap, no it is not illegal. Harry is not a pervert in this, although he is about 10 years older oops. She's still 19 anyways.

So enough with my sad self promo, this story is going to end in less than 5 chapter I stg imma cry. Its been changing since I've been writing but I finally chose the ending.

My first finished story, I'm so proud of myself actually. Okay this note was way too long for my liking. Anywhore, the story is down belowwwww.


College sucked, life sucked, Harry sucked, everything sucked. But you swallow. Dammit brain, why are you so dirty? I've been drowning in my thoughts, nothing could stop them. Its was just... Insane. How so much had happened since that dare.

Its quite funny though, I hadn't even talked to any of the girls since that night, except for my best friend Alice. The one who always tried to cheer me up, much to her dismay I still lay lazy and sad.

Its been about two weeks since Louis had called me, and no Harry. I'm not shocked though, he probably just called to try and get me to fall in his trap in hopes of him not coming, then we would make up and fall in love and yada yada yada. Like some badly written fan fiction. (*cough* mine *cough*) I would expect for Harry and I's ending we would be a bit more... Adventurous.

"Can you at least take a shower, Anna?" Mother asks me annoyed and pissed off with my attitude these past few days.

Like he would come to my door and kiss me but he didn't know I had a boyfriend and then I would break up with him and- Harry had mentioned wattpad once to me, I decided to just see if the things girls write was truly that bad. They didn't write badly, they wrote about bad stuff. There was no other way to put it.

"No, leave me alone, Mother. Let me wallow in my pain, thank you."

Aside from a few, there were plenty of good fan fictions. Just, it had turned me into a crazy obsessed staying late up at night just to finish this book teenager. So that was nice.

To other news, I had been deemed the family psycho. You know that one member who's fucking insane? Yea that's me. My mother even suggested I should practice playing Harry potter in the second book, I had forgotten the name but the point was the kid hides up in his room and is told not to make noise because there is company.

Thanksgiving is coming up and she said I should try it. She's dumb if she thinks I would even try that, but oh well, next year. Its not my fault I'm some broken doll this year, or maybe it is. Considering im the one who decided to not only try a, I dont even know what it was, with someone online, but someone famous. Man I hit that ball home, I really do pity myself nowadays. College is going great though, despite everything, I have all A's and B's. So go me, score one for the boys back home.

I haven't made any new friends, I just stay with Mason and Alice at all times, except when they're together. They act like a couple and I feel like I'm gonna be sick. They think I dont notice, but I do. I so do. That's why neither of them are here right now, they went to the movies.

I'm pissed at myself for practically bringing them together, if I hadn't been so stupid I would have been okay.

"Can you just get up! You're a damn disappointment right now, Annabelle!" My mother finally manages to break me out of the trance. As I'm about to scream at her about my grades someone heavily knocks on the door.

She glares at me as she says, "go get it, Anna. Stop being so lazy, I'm trying to help you okay." I huff but do what she says. I don't smell very good but I could care less. Its the pizza I ordered about an hour ago. Strange, I didn't see the pizza car...

But then again this isn't the first time he parked sneakily just so I couldnt see him. It was just a black truck, man this is a weird as fuck pizza man.

I skip Down the stairs as the kid knocks again. I open the door and smile broadly until I see who it is. The words he utters echoes in my mind for the longest time, till I faint.


One more chapter after this, I think. To all who read this, thank you!

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