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It's been several weeks since Ironhide made Y/N take a break from her work. And so far the girl has been getting out much more often. She and Ironhide usually commandeer the large TV from Jazz every night to watch a movie of some kind or play more God Of War. The two continued to grow closer together bonding over small things. They had quite a bit in common but they did have their differences. She'd come to greet him whenever he returned from a mission and he'd go and make sure she got out of the base every so often. Being cooped up inside all the time was not healthy for anyone.

Ironhide walked through the hallways it was around noon. Something was off today though. Ironhide could just sense it.
He turned the corner and there was a group of people and bots standing outside Y/N's lab and just staring in through the doorway.

"What's going on here?" Ironhide asked as he approached the group.
"Something is up with Y/N." A soldier by the designation Daniel Coulson responded.
Ironhide raised an optic ridge and went to see.

Y/N was bouncing and darting around like no ones business as she put something big together. No one had ever seen a human being move the way Y/N was moving at the moment. Her head would also twitch from time to time.

Ironhide walked inside. Jolt tried to stop him for a moment but Ironhide brushed him off.

"What's going on Y/N?" Ironhide asked.
The girl yelped and went to cover up her project before turning to look at him.
"Nothingmuchjustgettingsomeworkdone." She responded
(Nothing much just getting some work done)
He blinked a few times and took a minute to decipher what she'd said.
"Are you alright? You seem to be glitching."
"No. Ithinksomeonespikedmycoffeewithespressoorsomethig. I'vegotmoreenergythanahyperactivesquirrel!" She explained and her head twitched a little.
(No. I think someone spiked my coffee with espresso or something. I've got more energy than a hyperactive squirrel!)
He shook his helm a bit and kneeled down to look at her better. "Easy there Y/N. And tell me what happened slowly so I can understand what you're saying." He said.
Y/N took a big breath while bouncing in place. "I think someone must have spiked my coffee with some kind of energy booster or switched up the drinks because now I'm fucking higher than a kite and bouncing off the walls with energy both figuratively and literally. And it's really hard to stay still and talk normal. IDON'TLIKEIT" she shouted at the end.
Ironhide glanced over his shoulder to the others and the soldiers including Coulson all pointed to a rookie named Philip Green. He'd take care of the rookie later. Right now he needed to figure out how to fix Y/N.

"Is there a way to fix this or something?"
"It usually wears off after a while." Y/N responded in a strained voice. "I'm so gonna crash later." She laughed a bit. "Out like a fucking light." She continued bouncing.
Ironhide sighed. "I'll be back to check on you later. I have something to take care of for now." He told her.
"Alright!" she chirped.
Ironhide stood up and walked back out of the room.
When he left she turned back to her project and started darting around again.

"This is why we don't give Y/N anything to boost her energy levels." Ironhide sighed.
"She's like a Turbofox." Sideswipe commented.
Jolt nodded a bit.
"Don't remind me." The black mech stated pinching his nasal ridge.
"I didn't mean to switch up the drinks. It was an accident."
"Next time double check before you hand her anything." Ironhide told the rookie.
The young man nodded.


Ironhide went back to check on Y/N. It's been several hours. She should be fine. Right?
The mech entered the lab and found Y/N passed out on the floor.
He sighed and picked her up gently. He looked around a bit and spotted a blueprint for something. It looked like a fairly impressive gun.

~For Ironhide~
Was scrawled at the bottom in Y/N's spidery handwriting.
He glanced over to the work table and a glint of steel was shining from under the tarp.
'So that's what she's building?' He thought to himself surprised.
Y/N shifted in his servos still asleep bringing his attention back to the sleeping human. He smiled a little at her and walked out of the lab with her taking her back to her room so she could get some sleep. Her room actually wasn't that far away from Ironhide's room. They'd put her in a bigger room so that it'd be easier for the bots to reach her in case a Decepticon broke into the base and tried to kidnap her.

The mech went into her room through the larger door. (The human sized door was at the bottom center of the bigger door) She had a big bed for a human. He put her in the middle of her bed and covered her up. She snuggled into the pillows and grabbed one hugging it.

"Ironhide" She mumbled a bit in her sleep and hugged the pillow closer.

Ironhide looked at her surprised before smiling a bit and left her room.

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