#1 The first step towards freedom

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Here's a quick tutorial for this chapter ^^

________ = first name

______ = Last name


Enjoy! ^^

Your POV

I open the curtains of my 'lovely' home. Well it's supposed to be lovely but I went a bit crazy paranoid and put fences and iron wire around my cottage.

Few might say I am crazy for doing so but oh well if you have titans living around you, you would do the same.

The sun shines brightly into my E/C eyes. I grunt and try to shield my eyes from the burning fireball which is called the sun. I look down as I hear weird noises and notice...Humans?! What are they doing here? Did an expedition go south? _______ calm yourself. Things can go wrong or right. The outcome is depending on my ability to think.

I hear zipping noises and walk towards the door. Just as I am about to grab the doorknob I sense a presence behind me. I grab the thing closest to me. A chair. And swing it backwards. I heard some swearing and I turn around only to see a man with raven jet black hair getting up and dusting off his clothing. He doesn't even give me time to prepare as he lunges at me with what seems a knive but something seems off about it. I try to grab it but he's faster then me and leaves a mark on my cheeck. As I want to lunge foreward my legs just suddenly give up on me. What was on the knife? My eyes start to close as I fall down and I give up and let darkness take me over.

- a few hours later this time skip is brought to you by author-chan^^ -

I grunt and slowely open my eyes. I've never had such a bad headache as now.

I look around and I am in a cell. Well could've been worse. I wonder why they took me here since I don't have anything to offer.

I hear footsteps and look outside the ironbars of my 'beautiful' cell.

Oh. The man with raven black hair is standing outside my cell allong with a blond kind but strict looking man.

Should I say something? Should I wait? I could escape... Agh! They should break the silence already this is killing me!

"So you're ________, correct?" I just simply nod and watch the blond guy. "Speak when someone is talking to you brat." Wow the raven haired one is such an asshole jeez. "Ahem.. Yes sir." The blond guy glares at the short raven haired one and then turns back treason

"I am Erwin Smith, I am the comander of the survey corps. The one next to me is called Levi Ackerman. He's one of our squad leaders. He's also 'humanities strongest soldier. Now the reason that you are here is because we want you to join the survey corpse."

I blink a few times and let it sink in. So they want ME to join? But what about the king?

"The king exilled me. I am of no use to you." Erwin chuckles and Levi merely glances at me with curiousity before turning back to his cold hearted self.

"The former king is dead so you have nothing to worry about." Erwin smiles at me and I just simply nod.

"Why do you need me?" Levi finally looks me straight in the eye and do I see a chuckle? Oh yes. I do. I broke his ice. "That should be obvious brat. We need you because of your knowledge of the zombies. We know you have also lived with titans around you and miraciously survived. So you're experienced"

Well that just answered the obvious. I rolled my eyes and stood up from the sleepcouch."So what's in it for me?" Erwin chuckled and grabbed my hands through the iron bars. "Well, you can save humanity, avenge those who you've lost, but you strike me as a person who's not interested in those things, so your life is in it. We won't kill you if you join us."

He had the nerve to actually blackmail me?! I hate them already acting all nice. Well Levi's normal.

"Fine, but I want to choose in which squad I'll be placed." Erwin looked at me with a doubtfull glance.

"Okay. Well L/N F/N. Welcome to the survey corpse!" He finally let go of my hand and opened the door of the cell. Levi who had been quiet the whole time got away from the wall and kicked me in my stomach.

Wait. That asshole actually kicked me?! I grinded my teeth and stood up. "Where's the exit?" Levi pointed to a door on top of the stairs. Obviously.. I walked up and opened the door. The sunlight iluminated my eyes and I stretched.

Well home sweet home.

Levi x rebel reader 《Rebellion》 ! UNDERGOING HEAVY EDITING!Where stories live. Discover now