Chapter 1

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"Wait, so he finally asked you out?!" My friend Bella asked with a squeal. I laughed and nodded my head, a smile gracing my face as I thought of him. "That's great, Ana!" She said as she beamed a smile at me, then grasped my hands in hers and yanked me up. We danced around the room like idiots, our paths being made to imaginary music.

"Okay! Wait! He's taking me out on a date tonight!" I said in between giggles. Bella stopped jumping around with me and ran to my closet. "Where is he taking you? Did he tell you what to wear? Is it casual? Or dressy?" She asked as she ravaged through my closet.

I rolled my eyes and strolled over to be beside her. "Just go with classy. We're going to some fancy little restaurant called... Umm... Flame or something along those lines." I shrugged when I finished explaining, and began to search through my clothes as well.

Soon I realized, though, that Bella had stopped searching. I turned to face her slowly and quirked an eyebrow in confusion. "Bel?" I asked. She looked utterly flabbergasted as she stared at me with her mouth slightly ajar. "It's called Flambé! And that place is so hard to get into!" She then turned and immediately picked through my closet, obviously in search of some dress I most likely didn't have.

I sighed and smiled, then went over to my dressing table to do my hair. Belisse finally came out of my closet with a short black dress, a clutch to match, and heels, and gold jewelry. Well, at least I was going to look good tonight.


Bella was fixing my dress when a knock on the door startled her movements to a stop. I froze up and stared at Bella nervously. She grinned at me and ran to the door, leaving me alone with my thoughts. What if I was underdressed? Or what if he just hated my entire outfit in general?

These annoying thoughts continued to plague my mind until a light rapping came at my bedroom door. "Come in!" I said, just loud enough for the person on the other side to hear me. In entered Dimitri, the man that was going to take me on a date tonight. The man that is... My friend. Yep... A friend that is taking me out for dinner tonight...

He looked absolutely astonishing in his crisp black suit, and white silk tie. My, oh my. I thought with a blush as I took in his appearance from head to toe. He silently closed the door behind him and locked it, then walked over to me in slow, controlled strides. When he reached me he didn't stop until he was just a little more than a breath away, and one of his hands lightly touched my hip.

I gave him a shy smile and reached up, placing my hands around his neck as I peered up at him. He gave me a small smirk in return, and used both of his hands to spin me around. "You look amazing, Analisse." His voice was low and raspy, sending minor chills to dance along my skin.

Once I was facing him again he leaned forward and slipped his hands down to grasp my ass with a firm hold. I gasped and he took that opportunity to kiss me, quickly heating the situation with a French. My eyes fluttered close against my will, and I tightened my hold on him as he pushed me against him. His tongue danced with mine in a way that puzzled my thoughts, turning my mind into an exquisite jigsaw.

He smiled into the kiss and then broke off, leaving me stuck in the same position. I reluctantly opened my eyes to see his smirking face, and I mentally groaned. "Come on, Analisse. I believe it is time for us to go now." I shook my frustrated thoughts away and nodded once, then allowed him to link our arms and escort me from the room. For a moment there I wasn't even sure if the kiss had happened.

As we walked past Bella - who had been suspiciously sitting by the door - she threw me a smirk. I rolled my eyes and gave her a quick hug before leaving with Dimitri to his car. It was amazing.

Dimitri opened the door for me and, as I was getting in, lightly tapped my ass

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Dimitri opened the door for me and, as I was getting in, lightly tapped my ass. My face heated and a small spark of arousal ignited within me as I buckled up, and he got in the driver's seat. His eyes darted to look at me for a brief moment, and he smirked to himself as he revved the engine.

I smiled and glanced at him, then jumped when he suddenly rolled the windows down. He swiftly pulled out of my driveway and accelerated down the street, making it seem as if we were in a rush. I turned to face him and my eyebrows rose as I saw how fast we were actually going. And he had no seatbelt on. "Dimitri? Put your seatbelt on."

Dimitri filled the car with a sarcastic laugh and he closed the windows slowly. "Baby girl, this is my car. Don't tell me what to do." My head tilted slightly and I was sure that my face showed pure astonishment. When he called me baby girl... I don't know. Something inside me just woke up, and I had to clench my thighs together to keep from getting overly excited.

I wasn't sure if Dimitri noticed this reaction, but if he did he took no question to it. I sighed quietly and turned to face the window, waiting patiently for us to arrive at Flambé. The rest of the way there it was quiet in the car, but the air inside boomed with tension. I was extremely nervous, and so I decided to take my phone out of my clutch. I unlocked it and laughed as I found texts from Bella already.

Just as I began to reply to them Dimitri spoke, breaking the hardcore silence. "Oh no. Nope. Hand over your phone." He said as he stuck his right hand out, but at the same time made sure to keep his eyes on the road. I glared at his hand and then turned my glare onto him as I answered. "Umm, excuse me, sir. But this is my phone. Not yours."

I watched as he clenched his jaw, and gasped when he suddenly jerked to the side of the road. He turned towards me and quirked an eyebrow, and in return I undid my seatbelt. His eyes hardened on me and he gritted his teeth before speaking. "Analisse... Just give me your phone." The corner of my lip twitched up as I fought a smile, then I held my phone up and lightly shook it. "Oh, you mean this? No. I'm good."

I finally allowed myself to smirk at him and was startled when he suddenly reached for the phone. His sudden attack had caused me to flinch back, and my phone flew from my grasp. It landed with a thud on the floor between his legs. I braved myself for what I was about to do, and then quickly shot out of my seat and across his lap as I attempted to retrieve my phone first. Dimitri tensed up and then placed a hand on my back, holding me in place.

Confused, I grasped his leg and attempted to hoist myself back up. I heard a low groan in response to my fidgeting, and a light blush suddenly appeared on my face. "Dimitri?" I felt his hand stiffen on my back, and it slowly slid down until it was right above my ass. My face heated and I immediately made sure that my legs were tightly placed together. What if he got slick?

"Dimitri c'mon! I get it! I shouldn't have been on my phone and I should have been talking to you instead! Now please, let me up!" I laughed the last part, humor suddenly finding it's way into the situation. His hand froze for a moment as it got about a millimeter away from touching my ass, and then he finally took his hand off of me. I sighed in content as I got back up, fixing my dress in the process and holding my phone triumphantly.

"Ha." I said as I smirked at him, then unlocked my phone and went back to replying.

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