Chapter 10

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I woke up, a big smile on my face but my eyes still shut tight. It was warm in my room, and I could only assume it was because of the heated dream I just had. I inhaled deeply and then paused for a moment, inhaling a little more when I realized that I smelled cologne. I shivered as I recognized the cologne, and my arms prickled with goosebumps when I realized that my bed sheets felt different. I bit my lip and opened my eyes, a white ceiling is the only thing to greet me. I gripped the sheets around me and looked down, finding myself covered in a sea of gray satin.

I took my time to sit up and surveyed the room around me, then I looked down to the empty space beside me. Sadness etched its way into me by small increments, but I ignored it when I found the note lying on the pillow neatly. I reached over with a hesitant hand and picked it up, unfolding the paper and exhaling as I began to read it.

"I had to go to work, there are clothes for you in the bathroom. Help yourself to anything in the kitchen."

Wow. He sounds so boring. I laughed to myself and got out of the bed, locking myself in the bathroom so that I could shower peacefully.


I swear I almost cried in the shower, but I was too busy laughing. My body was so sore, and to make things worse Dimitri only left me his big ass clothes and lingerie to change into. I left the clothes but put on the lingerie, then made my way to find the kitchen. I didn't bother looking at the time as I cooked, figuring that Dimitri wouldn't be home until it was late as hell. I grabbed out a pan, pancake mix, and some chocolate chips. After taking out the ingredients for the pancake mix I poured the mix into the pan while humming a song to myself softly. I looked around the kitchen and found a blue tooth speaker, so I ran back to the room I woke up in to grab my phone, quickly running back to connect it to the speaker before playing my playlist filled with The Weeknd.

Yesterday was crazy, the way Dimitri made me cum over and over again was insane. I bit my lip as the feeling of goosebumps attacked my skin, and tingles spread their way throughout my body. After all of that in his office, he had his P.A reschedule all his meetings for today and brought me to his house. (It doesn't take a genius to guess that that's why I woke up in his bed this morning.) I shook my head with a smile and instead decided to succumb to the music around me.

After all my dancing and flipping of pancakes, I made sure to get a plate down and began stacking the chocolate chip pancakes onto it. I grabbed a glass and the milk and began pouring it as my favorite song by The Weeknd, Earned It, began playing. 

Out of nowhere, my hair was gripped, and I felt something hard press against me. I inhaled quietly as I put down the jug of milk, my heart racing out of control after being startled to death. Dimitri's cologne filled my lungs and I shivered, goosebumps breaking out on my arms as his lips touched my neck. Dimitri had my hair wrapped around his hand tightly as he pulled my head to the side harshly, his nose lightly brushing along my neck as he moved to my ear.

"What are you doing?" He asked, his teeth biting my earlobe softly in the most teasing way. Heat rushed from my ear to my entire face and I bit the inside of my cheek, trying to ignore the way his body sent tingles along my spine. I picked the milk back up and continued to pour myself a glass of it. Dimitri's hand gently touched my hip before moving forward, his rough palm sliding across my stomach and downwards until he reached the waistline of my panties. I screwed the cap back on the milk with shaky hands, my mind clouded with thoughts of Dimitri. That was probably the reason as to why I found it hard to focus.

I broke out of Dimitri's grip and went to the fridge to put the milk away but as soon as I closed the door my arm was grabbed. I was spun around in my spot and then pushed back against the fridge harshly. The cool metal of the fridge shocked my skin and I gasped, arching my back to get away from it. Dimitri pressed his body into mine and I lifted my hands to push against his chest while turning my head away from him. Dimitri's hands slid down my arms as his nose brushed my cheek, his cool breath fanning my skin in the most delicious way. "I know I put out clothes for you to wear." He whispered harshly against my skin, his lips trailing down to my neck so his teeth could nip a spot there.

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