Chapter 1: Friends and Snow.

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I wake up in the morning, it's just another day.

But, it's not a regular day, it's winter!

I look at the time and notice that it is 6 AM, still fairly early, but as it's winter I look outside without hesitation, and notice the winter wonderland outside while big white snowflakes fall down from the sky.

It's unfortunate that it's not weekend though it's getting there soon as it's finally Friday!

I stand up and go to the bathroom.

I might not look like it, but I'm a first years in High School I say to myself in the mirror before I wash my face, then walk out to dress up and go downstairs.

I eat some quick breakfast and say bye to my mother as I put on my jacket and swiftly leave the house towards school.

As I walk towards school I walk past my friends, Tadashi's house, as I see Tadashi walking up ahead, and sneak behind him as surprising him.

Tadashi shockingly reacts and immediatly turning around saying: "Hey don't surprise me like that you know I'm not into that, Chakrii!"

I respond: "Well you know how I am after all, right? We might go to High school right now but that doesn't mean we can't have some fun on the way!"

Tadashi responds: "That's alright, I should've known you wouldn't change after all!"

As we decide to walk to school together in the snow, while it's still snowing lightly.

It's a long walk to school but the weather is amazing, don't you think, Tadashi?

Tadashi responds: "I don't mind the weather, we're winter kids after all!"

As we look up ahead, we see our other friend, Xenia walking ahead, she is a really nice person but really enjoys studying aswell, though that is helpful for Tadashi and me as we both aren't the best at it.

We run together up ahead to Xenia as we both yell her name. "Xeeeniaaaaa" Tadashi and I yell as she turns and notices us.

She waves and smiles while we run up to her as huffing lightly.

I ask Xenia: "Don't you love the snow?"

As she responds: I don't mind it nor like it! But let's get a move on to school!

I think of what today will bring, but I am very excited with the snowy wonderland outside no matter what happens!

We move on to the school and enter it, luckily we go to the same class so there is no need to worry about that at least I wonder to myself but, as we look in front of us in the school we notice something immediatly..

[End of Chapter 1]

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