His Butler with an Exorcist for a Mistress (ch 6)

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Chapter Six

    Friday night came faster than I could have hoped, but with it came along some unexpected plans. I clenched and unclenched my jaw as I stared across the seating arrangement to look at Bridget as she sat with one leg elegantly crossed over the other, completely oblivious to my sour mood as she sipped her tea quietly. It was almost as if she was taunting me! Taunting me that I would never be able to get out of here! That she knew of my plans.

    I sighed internally. Of course she didn’t, couldn’t, know about them. There wasn’t any possible way for her to know about them. Sebastian and Ciel were completely faithful to me and I’d even gone the extra mile of having them gagged by an order. Besides, said demons looked just as irked as I was by the my guardian's presences. Ciel just barely contained his contempt behind his usual cold mask as he sat besides me, his own legs crossed as he too sipped a cup of tea he had no need for. Sebastian on the other hand was just as composed as always on the outside, but his agitation at the intrusion on our plans was seen in the way his brown toned rust colored eyes kept shooting Bridget sharp looks when she wasn’t paying attention.

    I slumped my head into my right hand, using the love seat's armrest to prop the arm holding my head upright. Honestly, Bridget’s conversation hadn’t made any impression on me, so much so that I couldn’t remember a lick of it.

    “That sounds interesting,” I mumbled, omitting the right phrase into the short pause in Bridget’s blabber.

    “You would think so,” Bridget stated, before continuing onto more chatter that I found no interest in listening to, instead my mind wandered to the suitcases sitting under my bed just waiting for us to make our escape.

    We needed to get her out of here, but how was the question. I drummed my fingers against my cheek as I furiously thought of some sort of excuse to come up with. Lame or not, it wouldn’t matter, just as long as it got her to leave for long enough for us to take off. My eyes leapt from Bridget to the wall behind her before dropping to the table before us with the tray of sweets Sebastian had taken time baking for my demanding evening cravings before we left, only to have them shared with Bridget. As my eyes wondered over the delicious perfections, I couldn’t help but wish that they were less perfect and the cause of an acute case of food poisoning.    

    And just like that I had my excuse.

    Curling over, I clutched my stomach and groaned loudly. Pretending to wince, I buried my face between my knees as I completely curled over into myself adding another groan to embellish my act.



    I smirked into my knees as my act worked splendidly. If Sebastian and Ciel fell for it, then it was flawless. I probably deserved a Grammy or Oscar for this. Quickly masking my amusement, I looked up with a false pained look.

    “...My....stomach,” I panted, groaning softly. “It hurts.”

    Ciel’s hand hovered over me uselessly before he looked to Sebastian who looked just as lost about my sudden sickness as his young master. I would have to somehow get them to play along, but without hinting Bridget into the act. I frantically scrapped my brain for any sign to give them, but kept coming up blank.

    “What kind of pain?” Bridget asked, standing up hesitantly.

    “I feel like I’m going to get sick,” I moaned, curling my knees up to my chest and rolling so that my weight fell completely against Ciel, who went tense at the sudden contact.

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