The Fight

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        By this time, Ember had stopped running and was now walking towards the building slowly. She was still close enough to see, but barely. Jazz and Brax walked quickly, the destroyed buildings protecting them from being seen by her. Soon they were close enough to see Ember just as she neared the door to the building they believed the robots were in. She went in and after about fifteen minutes, the other two girls went in as well, careful not to let the door slam shut. In front of them was a brightly lit hallway with red carpet and light blue walls. The two girls were surprised, for the outside had looked metallic and grey. Nevertheless, they went forward, grateful that the carpet muffled their hurried footsteps. They came across a large wooden door and opened it to reveal that they had come across what looked like the main floor of the building.

         "How do we know this is even where Slayze and her robots are?" Jazz whispered. "We just came towards a building that had smoke coming out of a chimney and assumed this was where they were hiding out."

        "I don't know, " Brax admitted. "This is the only place that wasn't demolished and I doubt any people would waste their time building a fire when they have a perfectly good shelter to protect them. Seems like something a robot would do for fun, to make it seem homier or something."

        Brax and Jazz looked up and saw that the building wasn't even separated into floors, just stairs and narrow walkways lining the walls with a few platforms jutting out. They heard a squeak and turned to see Ember peering down from a platform. Their eyes widened and they hurried to the nearest staircase to get onto a walkway and out of Ember's line of sight. As soon as they were convinced they hadn't been seen, they decided to sit down and see what action their friend had in store for them.

         Suddenly, a door on the far side of the room burst open. A tall woman with sleek black hair stalked out, followed by a huge group of other people. Each person had a little name tag on, but the writing was too far way to make out the words. The woman faced the group of people and started talking to them.

        "Hello, my minions," the woman announced in a loud voice. "Today, is finally the day, the day that we shall rule the world!"

        Looking away, Brax turned towards Jazz, saying, "Listen to her voice, it's not right."

        Not looking away, Jazz replied, "I know, it sounds... robotic. You don't think..."

        "Oh yea," Brax said. "That's definitely Slayze. What should we do?"

        Before Jazz could answer, Ember had started moving again, creeping down the walkway. But luck was not in her favor that time. The walkway creaked under the added pressure and diverted Slayze's attention up above. In no time at all, she spotted Ember on the walkway and signaled her troops to position themselves in a fighting stance. Ember saw this movement and started sprinting down the stairs to meet Slayze and "her" guards to try and catch them while they were still getting into their positions. But this effort was in vain. By the time Ember had gotten down the last flight of stairs, Slayze was on the other side of the room and the guards were ready to pounce. Ember had virtually no time to react before the guards were almost on top of her. She had barely feigned off the first wave before the next were on to her.

        "Brax!" Jazz whisper shouted, "We have to help her! Come on!"

        She dragged Brax out and the both of them started fighting off the waves of guards. By this time, Ember had recovered and was brushing herself off when she noticed Brax and Jazz fighting off the robots. Before she could shout at them however, a new wave of robots broke through and attacked her, taking her breath away. This continued for as long as any of them can remember. New waves of robots coming in, fighting them off, more robots, more fighting. The whole time, Slayze stayed well out of reach from all three girls. After a while though, she started pacing and getting worried. it seemed as though she was running out of robots to send at them. This was good news for the girls though. They were getting more and more tired with each new wave. After what seemed like forever, the waves of robots finally stopped. Ember finished off the last of the robots and faced Brax and Jazz.

         "You had too," Ember said accusingly. "You just had to follow me."

        "You should be glad we did!" Brax snapped, "There is no way you could have defeated all of those bots by yourself, don't even try to say you could have. Now can we get back to the task at hand, which is taking care of the robot who has been watching us during this entire exchange?"

        They turned to look at Slayze, who had been watching them through unforgiving eyes the entire time. The three girls slowly walked up to her, and up close, Slayze was not as tall as she seemed from far away. 

        "You are not worth the explanation." Slayze simply stated.

        Then, she jumped. The girls had not been anticipating how far she could leap. They had forgotten how Slayze was a robot and probably had special powers. They barely got out of the way of Slayze's fist before she blasted down and made a dent in the floor. They allowed themselves a moment of amazement before getting back to reality. How to kill Slayze. Brax took out her knives and threw them one after another. Three of them missed, four of them nicked her back, and one gashed her right leg open, exposing hundreds of circuit boards and wires, all sparking from the cut. Slayze suddenly stopped running and nearly fell over. The gash in her leg had rendered it useless. With Slayze operating with a limp, the girls had a great advantage over her. Jazz leapt onto her and twisted Slayze's arms behind her back. This had apparently damaged something as well because when Jazz was finally forced to let go, Slayze's arms started moving in irregular and jerky patterns. She barely had enough control over her own body to stay up.

         The battle had been going on for nearly an hour and everyone was starting to get tired. Then, by some lucky miracle, Brax was able to jump onto Slayze and bring her down to the ground.Ember rushed over and stuck her knife into Slayze's back, slicing through all the wires that made her function properly. Her body started jerking around and sparking. Then, all of a sudden, it stopped, and Slayze was perfectly still.

Hey, yea, the fight isn't really that awesome but you know, I tried, bad titles, uncreative, blah blah blah, all that good stuff. Hoped you liked, the last "chapter" will be really short but ya know, can't have everything in life. :)

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