On the Ark Chapter 1

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A/N: Here's the first chapter let me know what u guys think comment, vote and sorry guys might be short chapter. One more thing I DO NOT OWN "THE 100" ALL RIGHTS BELONG TO THE WRITER WHO WROTE THE BOOK AND THE CW NETWORK! Oh and also I DO NOT OWN THE COVER I LOOKED IT UP!
There's a picture of Clarke and Bellamy above
Thank happy reading----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->

~Bellamy's POV~

It was just another day on the Ark, I on working as on of the guards men ever since my mother forced me to join. As I was on patrol today walking in the halls around the Ark making sure everyone is safe, I was on my way to check on my mother and sister people don't know I have a sister cause no one can know or other wise the could be sent to death both of them. As I walking I heard on my radio the guards are trying to catch someone, and I turn around and see a men running the the hall I was in I think he stole something as I try running after him and I body slam him. He used a knife and stick it in my shoulder I fell to the ground as he keet running.

'Shit this hurts' I say to myself the other guards run past me but one was told for him to help me first to the med station. As soon as we got there, was a girl with blonde hair and blue eyes and asked

"What happened to him"

Guard one:" He got stabbed by someone we were trying to catch"

"Okay please lay him on that bed before you go" the girl said

I wince with pain as the girl trying to take the knife out of my arm and I moved my arm by accident cause it hurt. The girl faced me and said...

"Please don't move I have to remove this" her voice was soft and caring

"Hey, Clarke what happened here"? Someone who just entered asked, so her name is Clarke I thought to myself wait isn't she one of the privileged.

Clarke:"Thank god you're here Jackson where's my mom" she asked worried eyed looking at him

Jackson:"She's with the council, I'm here to help what do you need"?

Clarke:" I need some alcohol to clean the wound, and his gonna need stenches and a bandage wrap to cover the wound with"

Jackson:" Ok I'll grab those things and hold on you didn't take the knife out yet"

Clarke:" no is it ok if I just pull it out, I'm afraid it's deep"

Jackson" here let me see, yes it's deep when u pull it out pull it at a upward angle "

Clarke:" Ok... I got it, uhm what your name"

"Bellamy... Bellamy Blake" I answered in pain

Clarke:" Ok Bellamy I know your in pain, but it's going to feel better once we get the knife out ok, Jackson hold him please"? She said in clam voice I just gave her a nod and she knew I was ready

Clarke" on the count of 3" she held the knife still in her hand the other hand was on my arm "ok ready 1..2.. And 3" she did it

I sacrum in pain "argg that hurt like hell!" I groaned 

Clarke: " well I could of left that knife in your arm to cause more pain" I gave a light chuckle even though I could barley laugh

"Well good thing you didn't listen to me and took it out" she gave a small smile

Clarke:" I think your on of those guys who's an ass sometimes" she whispered so the other doctor doesn't hear

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