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(Dexters pov)
Uhhhhh I wish there was SOMEONE into science except me and mandark but mabye if I weren't so nahhh I sat in class wondering what everything would be like if me and mandark got along with each other to bad he likes DeeDee "Dexter can you answer the question please?" The teacher asked "oh um uh yea 42" I said I mean technically it's the answer to everything "no Dexter this is social studies" she sighed at me " but it's the answer to life the universe and everything!!!!! " I said to her "true" she answered back while everyone (except mandark) was confused "HEY THATS NOT FAIR HE DIDED EVEN HEAR THE QUESTION I BET!!!!!!" mandark yelled "would you like detection Susan ?"
"I AM MANDARK NOT SUSAN!" he yelled again he's cute like -........oh God no ohnonononononononono the bell rang shortly after
(Mandark pov)
Dexters sister DeeDee is just a cover up for who I really love he's so good at making me mad tho I sighed siting at a empty table and looked at Dexter .....-wait is his face red like blushing I felt my face go red a bit too thinking of the possibility of me and him together going through his mind THATS IT !!! I SHOULD MAKE A MIND READING DEVICE TO WHERE I CAN READ HIS MIND!!!
I wish I had a mind reading ability to read his mind so he could like me but he'll never like me like I like him I sighed and thought of every little thing he did wrong and right oh god I feel my face going red
(La time skip thanks DeeDee!)
I was walking and I saw mandark working on something but he looked liked he finished it and made it start doing something he looks so cu- I GOT TO GET HIM OUT OF MY HEAD OH MY GOD I felt my face get reder but I have to admit I do love him I know I'll wright a love letter and he won't know it was from me! I really AM a genius I smiled to myself thinking of other things
As soon as I was finished I pressed a button and I heard "he working on something huh he looks so cu- I GOT TO GET HIM OUT OF MY HEAD OH MY GOD" as his face went red I blushed at his words oh god is that how he feels "I have to admit I do love him I KNOW I'LL WRITE A LOVE LETTER AND HE WON'T KNOW IT WAS FROM ME! I REALLY AM A GENUIS!" Oh no I messed up a surprise for me I pressed the button again and I smiled to myself he likes me I thought holding a love letter I wrote at lunch
(Another time skip to where they got off the bus)
I walked by his house and put the love letter in the mail box and he gave a confused look as I left
I watched as he put a love letter in there probably for DeeDee but looked anyway it was for......ME!!!! my face went crimson and I opened it it read
Dear Dexter
I love you more then youed think so please don't think this is for DeeDee because it's not
Roses are red
Your eyes are blue
Your cute and let me tell you
I love you !!!

Love mandark
Oh my god I ran inside and asked if I could go to a friend's house and of course they said yes so I run to his house and he answered so I kissed him and ran back home and into my lab what I didn't know was DeeDee was watching the whole thing and put it on wattpad and sent it to friends as I was in my lab doing homework as DeeDee yelled "DEXTER YOUR 'FRIEND' IS HERE!!!!!" "I'm at my computer" I said knowing it would most likely echo to her as she ran over to me I looked up and saw mandark with a red face too as DeeDee said leaving "HAVE FUN!"
"Hi" I said to him he handed me a letter it read
Dear Mandark,
I love you more then I love science and my lad it's hard fighting you and winning too because I want you to win and and will you date me ?
(Square)yes. (Square) no
I always have a pencil so I checked yes and handed it to him and he read it and got up and kissed me I of course kissed back "I love you" I said separating the kiss "I love you too" he said still on his tippy toes and we lived happily ever after the end

Dexdark (Dexter X Mandark) ONESHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now