i should move on.

8 0 0

"Honestly, Scar. What are you going to do when he wakes up?" Bambi asked unsympathetically after I'd explained the story and the conversation I'd overheard to her. With great difficulty, we'd managed to drag an unconscious Styles back to our flat and heave him on the couch. She was pretty pissed at me for not leaving him where I'd knocked him out.

"I don't know, tell him I found him laying there and felt I should do something?" I responded honestly. What did she expect me to tell him?

"Just explain why he's here and get rid of him, okay?" She sat down on a chair near the couch. I just nodded, not taking my eyes off his face as I knelt beside where he lay on the couch.

I couldn't wrap my head around the fact that less than an hour ago this boy had been holding a revolver to someone's head. That's all he really seemed to be; a boy. In sleep, he looked no older than 19. And his beauty - that really was something else. I'd never seen anyone so... perfect.

As if he knew we were watching him, Styles chose that moment to wake up. His long-lashed lids fluttered open, revealing eyes that were a brilliant shade of green. I felt myself flush red as they locked with my own.

"Who are you?" Styles mumbled, his voice husky and weary. "What happened?"

"Scarlett, and that's Bambi. I found you unconscious on the ground and I thought I should do something." I explained, only giving him half the truth.

"Bambi... I know you." He said, propping himself up on one elbow to get a better look at her.

"No, you don't." Bambi said hastily, standing up. "Do you want water or something?"

"A cup of tea would be great." Styles said, and then changed his gaze to me. So gangsters like tea, do they?

"You have beautiful hair." He declared, and extended a hand to touch the tips of my shoulder length blonde hair. Personally I didn't like it; I'd been trying to grow it for years.

"Thanks, Styles." I replied. Shit. I just ruined my whole fucking story. Claps for you, Scarlett. Styles frowned.

"How do you know that's my name?" He asked and I gave him a sheepish look.

"Actually, I kind of overheard your conversation with some guy. I saw you pull a gun out and I didn't want to witness a murder... so I hit you with my shoe." I explained, praying to the gods he didn't kill me then and there. God, what the hell was I thinking when I brought him back to my flat?

"And that knocked me out? Fuck." He clearly seemed to care more about the fact a shoe had knocked him out than the fact I'd seen him almost kill someone.

"Yeah.. If you're wondering, I didn't call the police." I told him, worried the thought I'd dobbed might cross his mind. He just waved a hand in dismissal.

"How much of the conversation did you hear? I had a reason for what I did, you know." He said, looking at me innocently. The angel appearance from when he was asleep seemed to return. I just stared so he continued. "That man's boss, Riley - I'm assuming you overheard me speak of Riley - is in love with my sister."

"Oh." I replied blankly, not really sure why that meant he should be shot.

"Riley's a very dangerous man though, and she doesn't love him back. What you have to understand is that I was just trying to keep my sister safe... He keeps sending people after me and her; nearly shooting his guy was kind of a warning to leave us alone."

So he was being a hero. I like to think I'm not shallow, but somehow his innocent and beautiful appearance seemed to make this story incredibly believable to me.

There was a snort as Bambi re-entered the room, carrying a cup of tea. Styles shot her a filthy look and she raised an eyebrow.

"You don't actually believe that shit, do you?" She asked, handing Styles his tea.

"Why would he lie?" I asked her. I don't want to think he's lying.

"Oh I don't know, maybe so he doesn't look like an asshole murderer? Really Scarlett, what are you; a medical student or a bimbo blonde fashion girl?" Bambi rolled her eyes and sat back on her chair, folding her arms. Styles sipped his tea.

"You don't have to believe me, but that's the truth. And Bambi, I'm pretty sure I do know you." He said, narrowing his eyes at her. She narrowed them right back.

"You don't." She snapped. "Look, I'm going to bed. Scarlett, show this... person out when he's finished his tea. Don't let him stay the night." She said and got up to leave.

"You should show your guest a bit more hospitality!" He called after her as she walked out. "Call me Harry." He said, turning to me and flashing me a winning smile. I practically melted.

"Harry it is." I smiled back. "Look, I know Bambi said not to let you do this, but do you want to stay over just until morning? I should probably make sure you don't have a concussion or anything."

"I'd say yes, seeing as you are a doctor-in-training, but I really do have some stuff to see to." He said apologetically. I hope Bambi hasn't scared him off.

"That's alright. So, what do you do? Are you at Uni?" I asked him. He's got pretty expensive looking clothes on, so he's definately not a hobo.

"Uh... no, I'm actually in business at the moment." He replied, staring down at his tea. It was almost finished.

"Really? What kind?" I pressed. He gave me an uncomfortable look, maybe I shouldn't have asked that. He's probably not doing too well and he doesn't want to let that on.

"Actually - I should let you go, you said you've got stuff to do."

"Thanks for not leaving me on the street. Oh, and thanks for the tea, too." He said, standing up and handing me the cup. I smiled and lead him to the door.

"That's okay, anyone would have done the same. Well I guess we should say goodbye." I said, feeling myself go red again at the awkwardness. He just flashed me a smile.

"I guess we should. Will I see you again?" He asked, pulling his phone out of his pocket.

"I don't know, will you?" I asked, grinning. He held his phone up and I heard a click.

"Type your number in here." He said. I did, and then handed him my phone to do the same.

When we'd successfully exchanged numbers, he left. The second the door closed behind him, I did a quick victory dance. I honestly have no idea the last time a guy as hot as him asked for my number!

Luck is definitely on my side.

Well, as long as his story wasn't complete and utter bullshit. If that's the case, I'm fucked.


alright, soooo sorry for updating late my tablet didnt let me update but now that i got my lovely ipod back i can. (:


- kahyla xoxo (:

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