Chapter 1- And I killed them all

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Emily's POV

A crazed laughter. The screams of children. The roaring flames. This is the last thing I see before falling into unconsciousness.

I wake in a forest. A unfamiliar place. The trees were burnt to the ground. The last of the fire going out. I couldn't remember anything. Who am I? Where am I? What happened? Questions raced through my head. I stood up, My head throbbing, I tried to regain my composure when I remembered, it almost sent me back into unconsciousness


I had lived in an orphanage my whole life, I had been in and out of foster homes before but they never kept me long. After my parents had abandoned me I trusted no one, that is, until Alex.

Alex was the first one to accept me. I was reluctant to trust him at first but eventually I ended up opening up to him, and soon, we were closer than I've ever been with anyone. I grew up with Alex, He was my best friend, and my big brother. When the others picked on me he stood up for me. It was amazing. It was the first time I had ever trusted anyone, that is, until one night.

We were 14 years old, exactly one year ago. We were hanging out in his room, I was watching him play games on his DS When his roommate walked into the room. Alex was never too fond of his roommate but they managed to get along well enough. He looked at me in disgust.

"Uhg. Alex why don't you drop this bitch and come hang out with us sometime." Me being over His shoulder felt Alex tense up.

"Alex, its okay, he's not worth it." I whispered into his ear. He relaxed a bit but I could tell he was still on edge.

"oohhh Alex and the bitch are in looovvveee!" his roommate cooed. He wasn't wrong, I had developed feelings for Alex but I would never admit that and ruin the only good relationship I've ever had.

Alex tensed again. "C'mon Alex aren't you going to defend your bitch!"

"shut up." It was so quiet I could barley hear it.

"What is it Alex!? Getting all defensive now are we? come on, she just a filthy wretch." He said turning to me and throwing me on the ground. This caused Alex to jump up.


I sprang up and ran over to him holding him back. "Its fine Alex! He's not worth it, see I'm fine!" I said to him "NO! Its not "Fine" Emily!" He yelled back at me. he ran past me grabbing his roommate by the collar.

"ALEX! CALM DOWN!" I yelled trying to pry him away from his roommate. He punched his roommate across the face and threw him to the ground

"ALEX! HE'S NOT WORTH IT!" I yelled. Alex seemed to calm down a little bit when his roommate sprang up and hit him in the stomach throwing him against the wall. They both grabbed each other, throwing punches back and forth. Soon His roommate had Alex against the window. I ran up and pushed myself in between them "

"STOP!" I Screeched, my lungs starting to burn.

"Bitch." His roommate said pushing me, causing Alex to fall backwards, tumbling out the window.

"ALEX!" I screamed. I've never been so scared in my life. I reached out my hand and his hand grazed it. but he couldn't hold on for long. and soon, I was staring at my best friend, the only person I've ever trusted, the only person I've ever cared about, laying unconscious on the ground outside

"ALLEEEEEEEXXX!!!" I screeched pushing past his roommate and down the stairs. I ran faster than I've ever ran before, I Raced out the door and to the back of the building with Alex's roommate behind me. I looked at him. Completely dumbfounded. Alex was laying there, blood oozing from his head, Alex was laying there, Dead.

" killed him.." His roommate said shaking. He ran Inside to get a supervisor. I fell to my knees.

"N..No..Alex...." I whispered, I bent down and hugged Alex sobbing harder than ever before, My only friend, the only person who I cared about, and who cared about me back, was laying dead underneath me, and I killed him.

"NO!" I yelled to myself I didn't kill him, I tried to save him, I started laughing hysterically.  I stopped and went back to sobbing uncontrollably. Soon Alex's roommate came back out, with an adult right behind him.

"THATS HER!" He yelled "THAT BITCH KILLED ALEX!" He screeched.

"NOOOOOOOO!" I yelled, I refused to let him go, Alex couldn't be dead, He couldn't. A supervisor soon came and tried to pry me off of Alex I didn't want to let go, I couldn't.

Soon the supervisors managed to get me off of him, I ran past kids, and ran up to my room, I locked the door and cried myself to sleep. Things were never the same after that. I spun into a state of depression, all of the other kids looked at me weird.
"You killed him." They would say "You killed Alex." And after awhile I started to believe them.

The orphanage buried him in a secluded field. I visited everyday. I would play his favorite games next to his grave, I would bring flowers and candies, and sometimes, I would just sit there, and talk, as if he were really there. I visited him everyday for a whole year, Today was the anniversary of his death. At this point some people would call me crazy, although, what did they expect, Alex was dead, the one person I cared about, the one person who cared about me, the only person I ever trusted. And they killed him.

I woke up That morning  completely prepared for what I was about to do.  I woke up early, before any of the other kids, and snuck downstairs, today would be the day. Today they would pay for what they did.

I grabbed Alex's old bag from his closet and went downstairs, there I filled the bag with as much food as it could handle, shoving water bottles, apples, and everything else I could find in. I went back up to my room and in the remaining space of the bag, Put a few pairs of shirts and pants. Then I went over to my roommate and I's bank of money and took out both of our funds. $250 dollars in total. 'Perfect.'  I thought to myself as I shoved the money in the pocket of the bag.

I scanned the room for anything else worth saving. Soon my eyes came across a picture. I ran to it and grabbed it. It was a picture, Of me and Alex. I didn't stay looking at the picture to long, I placed the picture inside of a notebook and put it in my bag. I ran to the front door before turning to grab one last thing. Matches.

I grabbed a small box of matches and went outside. I  didn't bother wasting any time. I put my bag behind me and pulled out a match. I ignited it as I watched the flame burn.

"They'll  pay Alex. I promise." I whispered letting go of  the match I watched as the grass set fire before me. Without another thought I quickly began to light another match, then another, and another, it gave me a nice feeling, watching as all my pain and suffering burned before me.

Soon a heard screaming , the deafening cries of the kids who hurt me. It was music to my ears. I loved it. I basked in the glory of their suffering. Soon I realized police sirens sounding in the distance. I grabbed my bag slinging it over my shoulder, I took one last glance at the beautiful sight before turning and running into the woods. And that was when it happened. That was the night my entire life changed. .


End of flashback

That's right. My name is Emily Woodlind...And I killed them all.

AYE! So ye. Idk it's aight for my first ever fanfiction I think....?

This is going to be a Ticci Toby X OC story. I Started this story a long time ago so I'm not sure it's really all that good...Vote And/Or comment if you would like me to continue this story! I know I will be starting some more stories soon too so keep an Eye out for that. Anyways! Comment, Vote, all that jazz!

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