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I sprint into the woods, and I see Jacob and the boy in the distance. Since I'm not full werewolf, I do get tired! I am out of breath by the time I get to them.

Jacob turns and sees me and grabs my arm. "What are you?" Jacob growls.
"More like what are you? You stink!" The boy replies
"Okay guys chill! What's your nam?" I ask the boy.
"Edward. What are yours?" He asks me
"I'm Lana, and this is Jacob." I say. I see Jacob is getting angry so I rub my hand up and down his arm and smile at him.

After a while of thinking and awkward silence, Jacob finally speaks. "You're a vampire, aren't you? I knew I recognised the scent!"
"Well done Sherlock." Edward says and I giggle.
"We're werewolves... In case you didn't figure it out... But no one knows they even exist. It's our SWORN secret now okay? We'll keep yours , if you keep ours." I say
"Deal. Nice to meet you, by the way." Edward says and smiles at me.

I turn to Jacob who is still studying Edward, looking him up and down. "Jacob, we should probably get back, if we go fast then we will get back in time for next lesson. Come with us Edward." I say and start running. I look behind me and see Edward and Jacob running too.

We are at school, and we have made in just in time for next lesson. "Bye Jakey." I say whilst hugging him before he goes into his class. "What class have you got next?" I ask Edward.
"Physics, with someone names Miss Monroe?" He says
"Oh cool! Me too!" I say and smile.

I introduce Edward to the teacher and he is assigned in the seat next to me. The lesson droans on, and we go to Maths once it has finished, realising we both have the same timetable. After maths, I meet Jacob and me, Jacob and Edward get our lunch and sit at a table, just the three of us.

It is very awkward between Jacob and Edward... I don't know why! We just eat our lunch, make small talk and take our trays back and wait until the bell sounds for next lesson. Last lesson for me and Edward is Media, and for Jacob is English. "Bye Jakey pants I say
"Bye Laney pants!" He says and grins.

As soon as Media has finished, I meet Jacob and say goodbye to Edward. "See you tomorrow, you should come round ours tomorrow and meet the pack." I say while grinning. Jacob just stares at me confused.
"Sure. I'll be there." He says and smiles and with that, he's gone.

Me and Jacob walk home. "Why did you do that?" Jacob asks me.
"What? Sam won't mind!" I say
"He's getting too close to you Lana, don't you realise that!" Jacob exclaims
I stop dead in my tracks, and turn to face him.
"Jacob! I know what I'm doing! He's not going to hurt me, and at the minute he's being a better friend than you are!" I shout and run away.

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