
56 5 3

Date ; mondaaay, February 3, 2016
Time ; morninnng


Laila Pov 😋

I was barely waking up when I
Heard a loud knock on the door
That made me get up quickly . I got up
And opened the door. There stood my
Brother, Edwin.

"Can you ask Blake
, Weston & Mario if they wanna
Go skating?" He asked

I nodded, "yeah"
& closed the door.

I went over to Blake &
Whispered 'good morning' in his ear.

He instantly woke up, oh glad he isn't
A heavy sleeper !👌🏼

" what ? " he asked.

"My brother told me to ask you, mario , and Weston if y'all wanted to go skating?"

✨Ps. I was melting inside , his morning voice was haaawt !😭💛

"Okay, I know don't even ask yes I'll wake up mario & Weston." he said knowing I was going to ask him .

I went to take a shower while Valerie and Lesly still slept.


I was done showering & doing my hair & changinnnng.

I got out the bathroom and went to my room the girls were now awake.


I was currently going on a walk with Valerie & Lesly. Valerie seemed
A bit ruude but I don't know why.
Lesly is just being Lesly !

We were walking when we spotted wild animals coming our waay !

"Act like you don't know them" Lesly said.

Me & Valerie nodded and smiled.

"Haai" "hello" "yellow" "wasuuuh" was all I heaard.

We ignored them & just kept


I was at home talking to Blake. Then Valerie came in the room and looked at me and Blake, she seemed mad.

"Ohh look at Ms.Slut trying to
Steal my maan !" She hissed.

"Oh, didn't know I had a
pet !!" I said.

"Umm, we are nothing, neither
Am I your 'man' so you can
Squuuirt out of here" blake snapped back.

She left & me and Blake had an awkward silence, till I spoke up.

"sorry, i didn't know
y'all were a thing" I said.

"We aren't !!" He said then sighed.

We both started getting closer & I was going for that kiss YEET BITCH ! Blake hugged me, I instantly hugged back. WAAAAIT- am I falling for Blake also ?!

" I don't know what I'd
do without you weirdo !" He said.

"Samee !" I said


I was about to go eat when
I got a call.


Caller; hey it's your mom!

Me; wait aren't you home ?!

Mom; no , but tell your friends & brother to pack up we're going to go on vacation ! To Florida !!

Me; okay mom !! Bye love you !!

Mom; don't worry there parents know

I went and told everyone in the house...

2 Hours later I was done, eating and so were the rest of the people at my house.

-People at house
• Blake
•my sister, Victoria
•little brother
•my not even 1 year old sister.
Nope not Valerie 😉..
I was about to go to sleep when my mom said "NOPE ! We're going todaay so get in the van with everyone else."

I got in the van and we all fit surprisingly.


We were now at the airport.

* all these stuff you do before you even get on the plane are happening at this long blank time *

... I got in the plane so did the rest of the crewww & got seated. We all sat close to each other since there were only 3 seats in one row.

Left to right !!👇🏼👇🏼
1st row- Mario, me then blake
2nd row- Edwin , Weston, Lesly
3rd row- mom, little little sister , little brother
4th row- it was only my dad and sister

I was getting really tired, but this was my first time actually flying on a plane so I was really really scared.

When we were about to take off I grabbed a gum and started chewing on it & also Blake grabbed my hand. Awe sad it wasn't Mario but I mean it was Blake nothing bad about that 😏😂

You can call this a cliffhanger if you want😉😏💞

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