Just a glimpse

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Cold is a man of nothing but a troubled heart. He loves a women who he believes he can't have. It is Sara, the Sara he told his best friend, Mick, he didn't have feelings for. Of course, Mick, didn't believe that for one second. The man wasn't born yesterday and wasn't blind. He could see with his own two eyes that Cold had feelings for Sara. Cold admired her and always obeyed every order she gave. Cold was having an extremely lonely morning, because the others including Sara left for a mission and Ray and him were left alone on the ship. Plus, "Mr. Sunshine" kept teasing him about Sara.

"So, Snart you gonna marry her?" Ray teases, but Cold doesn't take it and slams Ray against the wall. Cold would have strangled him to death, but Sara and the others were back and he didn't want to make Sara upset. So Cold let him go and the most unexpected thing happened, Sara came running onto the ship a few minutes later after the others. She was crying and she ran right into Cold's arms and he didn't have to do anything. Cold saw this as his opportunity to show her he wasn't just a criminal. He picked her up in his arms and carried her to a small, cozy, warm room she had claimed on board and sat Sara on her bed. He pulled the covers up onto her. Still crying Sara managed to reach her hand out to grip his hand.

"Will you stay with me?" She asks with a whimper cry.

Cold looked around for somewhere to sit, but the only seat was a chair in a corner and it had stuff stacked on top of it, instead Sara moved over and folded the blanket back for Cold to lay down next to her. Cold would have declined, but didn't want to leave her, so he took off his shoes and heavy coat he always wore, and sat down next to her. He wrapped his arms around her allowing her to rest against him.

"I've never seen you cry before, your're always so strong and warrior like."

"I saw something on our mission today." Sara says while wiping her eyes.

"What did you see?"

"It was the year 2018 and I was all alone, I saw my future self visiting your future self's grave." Sara begins to get choked up and Cold runs a hand through her hair to comfort her.

"I promise I'm not gonna ever leave you, I don't care what the future holds and if I have to I would purposely change time just so I wouldn't leave you alone." Cold vows to Sara.

"The weird thing is when I saw my future self... I was...you know what it doesn't matter." Sara refuses to tell Cold what she saw.

"What, were you a hobo or even better, an old maid." Cold says jokingly before smirking at Sara.

Sara laughs. "No, I wasn't a maid or a hobo, I actually looked fine other than the whole sad and alone thing. I was pregnant."

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