If you loved me you wouldn't let me go...

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Janette threw her clothes in fury into her suitcase, all her stuff fitting in next to them. How dare he do this to her. The thing that broke her even more than finding Chloe, her boyfriend's personal trainer's, lingerie under her and Jason's bed, was that he didn't even try and deny the fact that he had been cheating on her, the fact that he hadn't even tried to fight for her as she frantically packed all her stuff while he sat at the breakfast bar, a can of beer in his hand. Janette dragged her cases out of the bedroom into the hallway, tears streaming down her face. The couple refused to look at each other as Janette walked out of the door, not turning back to look back at the guy who she thought had loved her more than anything in the world...turns out she was wrong, more wrong than she had ever been in her entire life....

Janette knocked desperately on her best friend Karen's front door. Karen opened the door to Janette who had dry stains of mascara down her face like a spider's legs, "can I stay with you for a bit?" Janette said as tears began to run down her face once again. Karen nodded and opened the door wider from Janette to get through with her bags. Janette parked her bags in the hallway and went through to Karen's living room. On the sofa sat a man that she vaguely recognised. "You remember my boyfriend Kevin don't you? Kevin you remember Janette?" Karen said as she followed Janette into the living room. Janette nodded as she attempted to wipe away her tears, "sorry, I'm not normally like this...I found out today that my boyfriend has been cheating on me with his personal trainer....I had no where else to go," Janette said. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry," Karen said as she put her arm around her friend. "I'll put the kettle on and make some coffee," Kevon said as he got up and went out into the kitchen. Karen got Janette a tissue, and they sat down on Karen's leather sofa, the TV playing in the background. "You can stay as long as you want," Karen said as she rubbed her Janette's back in attempt to soothe her.

"What's the harm in auditioning? I am, Karen is, my little sister Joanne is, so why don't you?" Kevin said for the 10 millionth time.  Janette shook her head, "I'm not going to get in, I know it and you know it...everyone knows it," Janette replied...Kevin was trying to convince Janette to audition for the show Burn the Floor in 2 weeks time. That's when the front door swung open, it was Karen with all the shopping, Kevin leapt up to help her with the bags. "Karen will you please convince Janette to audition with you, me and Jo for Burn the Floor...it would give her something to do instead of thinking of Jason," Kevin said as he dumped some shopping bags on the kitchen side. "She doesn't need convincing...I already put her name down for it...you audition at 1:30 pm 2 weeks today, that's before Kevin, Joanne and I but we can meet you later for coffee in the cafe across the road after our audition," Karen said as she began to unload the food shopping. Janette opened her mouth to protest but knew that there was no point...anyway, she knew that she wouldn't get the part, and it would take her mind off Jason for a couple of hours.

1:15 pm read the clock on Janette's phone...she still had 15 minutes until she had her Burn the Floor audition. She took the coffee on the counter and walked out the cafe door, the flowery scarf that she'd bought earlier that day trailing behind her.
The dance studio was packed with loads of dancers going through the dance steps in their head, some practicing int eh mirror, it was similar to the dance school that Aljaz had attended in his home country Slovenia. He was the only one that didn't know anyone, he was the newbie, the loner, the lone wolf. That's when a short, stout woman entered the room with a megaphone "will the first set of dancers...numbers 34, 62, 19 and 27 please follow me please." Aljaz checked briefly that his number 27 was the correct way up and followed the megaphone woman through to another dance room. She started calling out the names of the numbers she should have, "NUMBER 19 JANETTE MANRARA! she boomed through her megaphone. "JANETTE MANRARA?" Just as she was about to go back to the other room to get another dancer the most beautiful girl in the world ran in, glossy dark brown hear running like a waterfall past her shoulders, a flowery scarf hanging loosely round her neck, coffee in hand. She put her stuff down on a bench by the wall and ran over to stand next to star-struck Aljaz. The megaphone woman rolled her eyes as she went to see if the judges were on their way to the studio room. "Not too late am I?" Janette muttered to Aljaz as she brushed her hair out of her eyes. Aljaz waited for a minute before he realised that this Goddess was actually talking to him, "um..no...not late at all," Aljaz mumbled, trying hard not to embarrass himself in front of this girl that he had seem to have instantly fallen in love with. Janette smiled at him, she like his attempts at trying to lie about her lateness. Aljaz and Janette were partnered together to do their duo dance in front of the judges. When they finished they remained still for a couple of seconds, their noses touching, staring into each other's eyes. Then Janette pulled away, what was she thinking? She'd just come out of a relationship, it was never good to jump straight back into a new relationship when she was still building up her confidence to even let a guy see her weaknesses again, whether she could ever trust a guy in that way again...it wasn't fair on this guy here...not fair...As Janette and Aljaz left the dance studio Janette turned round to face Aljaz, "um, so I hope you get the part," she said.."yeah, you too," he replied.

And with that she was gone, and so was Aljaz's heart......

Hi guys, do as you probably know from reading my other jaljaz fanfic that this is the prequel to it...did you see what kind of scarf Janette was wearing? The one that she wore when Aljaz proposed to her in the first chapter of Love is not an emotion. Love is a promise...
#jaljaz 💗💗💗💗💗💗💗❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻💞💞💞💞💞💞

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