I love you most

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Janette looked out across the city from her hotel room, Aljaz had been put in a hotel room across the hall, only a couple of footsteps between them but for Janette it felt like miles upon miles. She heard a knock at the hotel room door. She came away from the window to open the door, it was Aljaz. A smile appeared on Janette's face instantly. "Do you want to go and get something to eat?" Aljaz asked. Janette nodded, "I'll just get my coat and bag....wait there," Janette said as she dived back into the room to retrieve her coat, hat, scarf, gloves and her bag containing her purse and phone. She stepped out into the hallway beside Aljaz, "Ready?" Aljaz nodded, they linked arms as they walked out of the hotel together....united.
As they were on their way to climb to the top of the Eiffel Tower they passed a street artist, people were paying him so that they could write messages to their families and friends on the pavement...it would rub off by the next day but the sentiment was there. Janette threw a gold euro coin in his hate a picked up a red piece of chalk, a similar colour to the dress taut she had worn on her and Aljaz's first date back in LA. On the pavement Janette wrote:
Aljaz smiled and took the piece of chalk off her:
Janette smiled and rolled her eyes:
Janette looked at her boyfriend with a smug look on her face as he admitted defeat...how was he supposed to win that one? He leaned in to kiss her, for 5 minutes they sat on the icy French pavement kissing. "Oi! You 2, get a room!" Kevin shouted as him and Karen walked past. Janette gave Kevin a deathly stare, Karen looked at her best friend apologetically...Janette noticed that Joanne wasn't too far behind them, Kevin was always like this around Jo, as if he were trying to show off...making out that he was cool in front of his little sister. Jo rolled her eyes, like him and Karen weren't loved up all the time. "You 2 lovebirds coming to the Eiffel Tower?" Kevin asked, his arm linked with Karen's. Janette nodded as Aljaz stood up, pulling Janette up from the icy pavement. Jo looked down at the pavement, she found it cute how in love they were, it was rare for them to be apart since the night that they were officially a couple. The 5 of them ran up the stairs to the top of the Eiffel Tower, constantly stopping for breath. For the last hundred steps Aljaz threw Janette onto his back, legging it up the last steps, wanting to get there before the others so that he could kiss Janette in peace. Janette laughed as her Prince Charming galloped up the stairs 2 at a time, knowing that he would never in a million years drop her. When the couple reached the top of the tower Aljaz pulled Janette off his back and into his arms, pressing his lips against hers. She tasted of chocolate, coffee and the cold frosty weather. As they pulled away they looked into each other's eyes.."I love you my bučka," Aljaz whispered, still partly catching his breath from running up the last hundred stairs, Janette smiled, "that's nice to know but my dear bučko....I love you more," Janette said, beaming from ear to ear. Aljaz shook his head, "no I love you most." Janette hesitated, "well...I love you most-er," she finally said, sounding very proud of herself. "My love that is not a word." Janette stood on her tippy toes to kiss him, in hope to distract him from trying to win the debate over who loved who more...although it was her. Anyway her plan worked...he was distracted from the 'I love you' debate.....that's when she realised, that's the first time since they'd dated that they'd said those 3 words to one another....I.....love.....you.....

That night Janette curled up in her single bed shivering, flicking through photos that her and Aljaz had taken that day. So many memories to keep forever and ever. Janette slid out of bed and crept out into the hallway. Aljaz heard a pitter patter at the door. He slid out of his bed to go and see who it could possibly be. He opened the door to a Janette stood in the hallway in just a skimpy vest top and shorts, she was shivering, her teeth chattering. "Can...I....come....in....your...bed?" Janette asked, her teeth continuing to chatter. Aljaz nodded and steeped her off her feet, pulling her in to his chest, not wanting her to drop any further in terms of her temperature. He found one of his big hoodies for her to wear, it came down to her knees but Janette didn't care, it was warmer than she was and smelt like Aljaz. He held her close in his single bed, her ice cold feet resting on his shins, if it had been anyone else who was putting their cold feet on him, for example his sister he would've said something, but if it was comfortable for Janette and kept her a bit warmer he didn't care. He would do anything for his Princess Bučka.....

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