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I looked down at my arm to see Flowey staring at me in awe. I realized that I had activated my magic in my eye and hand. My magic got activated a lot whenever I was feeling any emotion strongly. During my personal training I had found that my magic was very strong. It was hard to keep it hidden in-game.

"What?" I asked.

"Do you have m-magic?" He asked incredulously. I laughed nervously and nodded. I didn't mean for anyone to find out about it, but it was a little too late for that.

"That makes your s-soul even more powerful. What kind of magic c-can you do?" He questioned.

"Well, I can teleport and uh... Well, it's really complicated. Basically I can go... Places that nobody but me can go. Except, it's not working." I explained.

"This would be so much easier if you had your old memories back." I muttered.

"My old memories?" Flowey asked.

"Um... Yes. You used to be a very different person. I don't mean Asriel, I mean you used to be a very different flower. You were mean and tough." I explained. He immediately perked up and seemed to get a little bit of hope in his eyes.

"Really? I-I want to remember! I want t-to be tough. Help me remember. Please." Flowey begged me. I started thinking about the old Flowey. If this Flowey got his old memories back, would he go back to being murdery, or stay this way? It's not like it mattered. I didn't know how to return anyone's memories. I pet one of Flowey's petals and shook my head.

"I don't know how. I wish I did I reall-" I was interrupted by a laugh. I froze and looked down at Flowey in disbelief. He was laughing like he used to. It was the old Flowey. Had I somehow given him back his memories? Was my magic combined with my own memories of the others make me able to give everyone back their memories?

"You idiot. Did you really think that by giving me back my memories I would actually help you?" Flowey asked me while tightening his grip on my arm and smiling up at me. I gritted my teeth as I felt thorns start to stab my flesh. Flowey laughed again and soon the pain I felt melted into anger and hatred. I sighed. Guess he was sticking with his violent version. But, well... two could play at that game.

"I didn't mean to give you back your memories, but I'm glad I did. I learned something new about my magic... Honestly Flowey, you're the idiot..." I started and suddenly I felt a grin make its way to my face and a sinister giggle escaped my lips.

"Do you really think I need you?" I asked with a voice that wasn't quite my own and I brought my free hand to one of his petals and I clutched it tightly. Flowey was staring at me with a mixture of shock and horror. I tore off the first petal.

"Mercy." I said then I tore off the next petal.

"Ow! W-what do you think you're doing?!" he questioned and I simply giggled again. 

"Fight." Another petal. Flowey was now begging me to stop.

"Mercy." Fourth petal gone.

"Fight." My grin grew as I heard a small whimper from the flower.

"Mercy." I tore off the last petal and Flowey's already terrified shaking increased.

"Fight." I said cheerfully and yanked the flower off of my arm.

"Y-you're Chara... Aren't you? Come on... I-it's me. You're best friend. P-please... Please don't kill me." Flowey begged.

"You think I'm Chara?" I asked with a small giggle, "Well, maybe. Maybe not... Doesn't matter though. You're still gonna die." I told the flower. Then I smashed him into a rock laying nearby on the ground. I did this over and over again until there was nothing left except a yellow smear. I wiped my hands off on my pants and walked into the Ruins. 

"Time to show everyone just how powerful I am." I murmured, taking a few steps deeper into the Ruins before pausing. 

"Wait no.. I was just doing that in self defense. I can still save everyone else. I'm going to give everyone their memories back." I said to myself while shaking my head. I had to stay focused. I couldn't get like that again. 

'-'   '-'   '-' 

I slumped to the floor as another final froggit hopped away. I had only gotten two pieces of monster candy, which healed less HP than before, and the monsters were the type of monsters you'd see from the core. I had already died twice. 

"Oh my. Are you alright human?" A sickly sweet voice asked. I froze and looked up. Toriel was standing above me with a worried expression on her face, but her eyes told the truth about her. Insane. I guess solitude did that. I wondered if the Sans from this timeline ever told jokes with Toriel. If this was Underfell, and I'm pretty sure it was, then chances are Toriel and Sans had never spoken to each other. 

"Child?" Toriel asked again. I put on a fake smile and tried not to run in fear.

"I'm alright. My name is (Y/N). Who are you?" I questioned, acting like I didn't already know. I scolded myself for not paying closer attention to my surroundings. Toriel could have killed me by now. 

"I am Toriel. Come my child. I will take you to my house where we can have snail pie!" She said cheerfully and started dragging me to her house. I was going to activate my magic, but I didn't want to do it out in the open with so many other monsters nearby. So, I let the goat-monster drag me to her house. 

~So, here's a chapter. Sorry it's so badly written. I'm kinda losing motivation for this story so updates will be a little slow. I won't discontinue it though. The number of chapters may be small, however. I'm not sure yet, anyway, thank you so much for your continued support. The number of read, votes, comments, and followers I have gotten just amazes me. ;3; Thank you guys so much. <3 ~

Into Hell - Book Two of Into The Game &gt;&gt; (Sans X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now