[1.] I Don't Want To Be With Her

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My eyes flutter open, as I stretch my arms above my head. The sun wasn't out, and on the clock that sat on my side table read 03:09. 03:10. Why is he up already? I throw the duvet off me, and step out of bed, not bothering to put on some slippers.

I walk downstairs, and see Leon pace across the kitchen. There was little bit of light in the middle of the kitchen, so I caught a glimpse of him every few seconds.

"Yes. I know. Yes I did. Okay. Yes I know! It's three in the fucking morning! Yeah sorry. Okay tomorrow. Fine. Bye," Leon throws his new iPhone onto the kitchen counter, his back facing me.

He was definitely not happy. His shoulders were tensed, as he put his arms onto the kitchen counter, exhaling loudly.

"I don't like it when people eavesdrop on my conversations," Leon murmurs and I blush.

I walk over to him, and place my hand on his shoulder blade. He instantly loosens up and looks at me through some of his hair that flopped over his eyes.

"What happened?" I ask gently.

"You know how my Dad wants me to take over his company and stuff..." He pauses and I nod. "Well now he's pressuring me even more, wanting me to get even more into the business. I don't think he understands that my senior year still has a few months left,"

Leon looked sad. His eyes had a tired look in them, that I hadn't really noticed over the past few days. I could see how much stress he was going through right now. And there were only four months left of our senior year before we go off to college. I wasn't ready for that just yet.

"And what's the phone call about?" I ask and I hear a soft groan.

"He wants me to go to his company tomorrow. See how things run. Meet some people." Leon tells me and I nod.

I open my arms and give him a hug. After a few seconds his wraps his arm around me, his chin resting on my shoulder. I tell him that we should get back to bed. We lie in the bed, his arms wrapped around my waist, my back pressed against his chest. He snores lightly and I can't stop a smile creeping onto my face.

It disappears as he mutters something against my ear, still deep in sleep.

"I don't want to be with her,"


I could hardly sleep after hearing that. Was her me. Or was it somebody else. Why would he have to be with anybody else? I don't know what was worse.

He not wanting to be with me.

Or him lying to me about this other girl.

I wanted to be really suspicious, but it's not like he was even distant. The next day, he acted like the perfect boyfriend. He kissed my cheek, nose, forehead, hands and lips all the time.

In fact, maybe that's suspicious.

Leon and I slowly sipped our hot chocolates. I placed the mug on the table, licking my upper lip. I pressed my hands against the cup, warming my hands up. Leon looked out the window, his eyes had a faraway look in them.

"Leon are you hiding something from me?" I blurt out and his head snaps to me.

"What?" He asks.

"Are you hiding something from me?"

You know, some other girl, that you don't want to be with? My subconscious yells.

"No, Cesca, if there is anything going on. You know I'll tell you," Leon promises, taking my hand in his.

He's lying to us!

He's lying to us!

Mu subconscious yells again, and this time it was actually right.

He's lying to me.

I tried to force a smile onto my face, and nodded. He looked into his cup. No, he studied the hot chocolate inside, his eyes never breaking away. His grip on my hand suddenly got tighter and I yelp, pulling my hand away rubbing my knuckles.

"I'm so sorry," Leon apologizes looking up at me.

I try to reassure him, but it was more like I was reassuring myself. I wasn't okay. He was lying to me. Maybe it was the stress, maybe it was his dad. Maybe it was the other girl. But something wasn't right about him.

Ludmila! She could help me.

I jump up from my seat, and notice that I startled him. I chuckle and kiss his cheek running out my house, and towards the one next to it.

Leon and I had started dating two months ago and during that time Leon had pretty much been living at my house. He had brought half his clothes, and packed it into the spare room's closet. I told him that he could use my father's, but he declined.

It's not like my father is ever home anyway.

I walk into the house, and bump into somebody. My eyes were probably enormous as I stared at Diego.

"I, hey," Diego murmurs and I just stared up at him.

He opens his mouth but closes it. He grabs his jacket that had fallen to the floor and walks out the house. Ludmila stood leaning on a chair, a shocked expression on her face.

"Fran, what are you doing here?" Ludmila asks, twirling a lock of her blonde hair in her fingers.

"What are you doing? Diego!" I scream, slamming the front door.

"I don't know, it kinda happened," Ludmila shrugs.

"I thought you liked Federico," I say and she looks at the ground. "You like both," I realize and she sighs.

"But I mean nothing serious is happening with Diego and I. Nothing. I don't think he likes me that way," Ludmila tells me.

I still tried to grasp the fact, that my best friend is having a fling with one of my closest friends. Ludmila whistles through her teeth.

"Did you come for something?" Ludmila asks and i smack my forehead for forgetting.

"Well it slipped my mind when I bumped into a boy, with some really messy hair, and a button undone on his shirt," I hiss and she blushes.

"Is Leon seeing somebody else?"


This is my second try at the first chapter and I personally prefer this one. This has a little bit of drama, and secrets. The other was too boring, just Leonesca cute stuff. I'll save that for one shots! 😝

So what do you think so far? So, just a small reminder. The guys {as in Violetta, Leon, Andres etc} are all in their senior year. So they are pretty much eighteen.

I'm really excited for this! 🙃 Tell me what you think so far. I actually almost forgot to update. Andddd, this week I'm going to try and work out an updating schedule so that all my updates don't you hit all at once! Thanks for reading!

~Lexy 😈

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