Chapter 9: Hospital

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Pietro's POV

I woke with a scream.

I was back sitting next to Clint's hospital bed. That was a dream? What no it couldn't have been! I felt everything.

"Pietro you still here?" I hear Clint question as he opens his eyes.

"I'm right here." I say grabbing his hand in mine. I squeeze his hand.
"So babe what just happened?" Her questions looking towards the ceiling. wait did he call me babe? Omg yes he did I can't help but blush. I couldn't believe he just called me that.

"i think we both got hurt from the blast." i say looking Over him.

He smiles and leans in towards me. His skin flashes a odd shine to it as he moves in closer closing the distance between him and me. i stand shoving the chair and running to the other side of the room.

"whats wrong?" he asks looking at me.

"this isn't real you aren't real. i know cause you have a shine to your skin its and this looks glossed over!" I shout pushing myself against the wall.

I shut my eyes and squeeze them tight. I try to wake myself up.

I wake up to see light rolling over me and multiple people talking.

I realize that it's doctors and nurses. They are shining lights in my eyes.

We finally come to a stop in what I assume is a surgery room. They put me under again.

Sorry it's really short I've been busy but hope you enjoyed


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