Some Stuff to Know...

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Hi!! Couple things before we get started.

1) Anything in bold is an authors note (aka me rambling XD)

2) I'm am still kinda (not really) new to Wattpad, but still pls don't kill me

3) I SUCK at spelling, so apologies in advance. (I have auto correct to hopefully help me)

4) I act like kinda as narrator in this story, so hopefully you won't be mad at me if you hate people breaking the fourth wall

5) And finally, I would love to have feed back so I can improve my writing

Oh yeah... Half the time the pictures will be random stuff I found that don't relate to the story because I don't know what to do and I don't want to leave it blank. Forgive me.

All in all, Buh-Bye!

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