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Overpowered by the bitter cold,
Bone chilling, Muscle numbing,
My body heat escapes my hold,

Nobody around, all alone,
The snow falls hard,
I'm on my own,

But I'm grateful for my loneliness,
And I'm grateful for some pain,
I'm grateful for my struggles,
And I'm grateful for some rain.

I love it when it's cold,
And I love it when it snows,
I love all those mighty winds,
And love all I know.

Because winter is the warmest season,
If your bundled up inside,
But right now my heart is cold as ice,
Because you left me behind...

You whisper this out loud to yourself, trying to figure out how to make it sound better. You were so concentrated that you didn't notice that a man had sat on the bench next to you. You also didn't notice that he physically cringed at some of the parts. You were waiting for a bus on a chilly, January afternoon. You, being the 23 year old, fresh out of college student you are, still relied heavily on public transportation. It could be really annoying sometimes.

In fact, the only reason you were jerked out of your thoughts was because you heard someone yell your name. You unclick your pen, tucking it behind your ear and set the notepad down next to you. "Y/n!" You look up to see a figure running toward you. "Oh my gosh." He says, stopping before you. It was your ex. "Look, you got it all wrong. It was an accident. You just came at a bad time and-" You cut him off with a look that says 'I don't believe one second of that terrible lie and I don't ever want to see you again.'

The guy next you, on the bench, slides over and puts his arm around you. "Look dude," he says. "You were obviously cheating on her, and for what? How long?" "5 months." You grumble under your breath. "Oh yeah, 5 months. I'm sure every single day of those 5 months was an accident."

He looks your ex straight in the eyes. "The way you left her all alone, sent shivers down her spine, you obviously didn't want her, so I just made her mine." "What is that supposed to mean?" Your ex challenged. "It means, F*ck off." "Fine," your ex said. "She was a b*tch any way."

With that he turned and walked away. The guys eyes flashed, but you didn't notice because you were to busy laughing at your ex's epic fail. He slipped on a puddle that may or may not of been frozen before. Your ex got up and looked back at you, embarrassed, before hurrying off.

The man kept his arm around you, and continued glaring at your ex, until he was out of sight. Then he quickly took his arm back and distanced himself from you. "Sorry." He stutters. "I could just tell that you didn't want to talk to him and I was trying to get him to go away faster and-" "It's fine." You say, cutting him off. "Most people would of just sat there or walked away, but you helped. Thank you." "I just couldn't help but to over hear your poem." "Oh, you did..?" You say, embarrassed. "Yeah, and I just put two and two together and-" "It's fine." You say, cutting him off.

"Winter is not that bad, you know." He said a little bit later, defending it almost like it was a person. "For you maybe, how are you not freezing cold? You're not even wearing a coat!" You exclaim. He laughs. You take in his full appearance for the first time. He was wearing a dark blue shirt, with a light blue and white flannel on over it. The flannel wasn't even buttoned. He wore fleece, pajama type pants that were white with blue snow flake on them. His shoes were blue as well and so was his scarf. His had blue eyes, framed within dark blue wire glasses. His hair was, you guessed it, blue but it faded to white at the tips.

"I'm just used to the cold I guess." he said, shrugging. You stayed and chatted for a while, at least until the bus came. You got up, tucking the pen behind your ear and the pad of paper under your arm. The two of you walked over to the bus. You began to climb the stairs into the bus, but stopped half way up when you realized that he wasn't following you. "Are you coming?" You asked, seeing him paused still on the sidewalk. "Who? Me? No. My house is just down the street. It's not even a full block away. It would be stupid for me to ride the bus."

The bus driver clears his throat impatiently. You turn and give him a look, before looking back to the man in front of you. "Well, bye I guess." He nods. "Bye, y/n." You, who had started up the stairs again, turns around. "Oh, yeah. I never got yo-" The bus driver shuts the doors, cutting off your conversation. You whip around and glare at him. "Remind me not to give you a tip." You grumble, finishing the stairs and finding a seat in the back. The bus driver rolls his eyes as you sit down.

You look out the window, and give a little wave at the man, still standing there on the sidewalk. You silently curse yourself for not getting his name earlier, but smile when he waves back, giving a smile of his own. The bus drives off and you see him walking in the same direction as the bus was going. The bus was to fast, however, for you to see his final destination.

The bus accelerates, and he slowly disappears out of sight. You sigh. You sit back, nestling between the seat and the wall of the bus and take your pen from your ear. You click it and then tap the butt of the pen against the side of your head. You flip to a new page, make a little star and write yourself a note. You unclick the pen, placing it behind your ear again, and set the notepad beside you.

**Maybe Winter isn't that bad after all...


Hello! It's m- Ok. I'll stop. But, hey, first chapter. What do you think? Sorry that I'm like Booper Dooper slow, but whatever. Anyway, enjoy it and yeah...

All in All, Buh-Bye!

A Winter Without YouWhere stories live. Discover now