Her Untold Story I

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Its 11pm the noise from smashing of glasses , China wares and vases banging through my head like it was happening in there , like it was all crashing through my brain , Violent words cursing each party like they never used to like each other is the usual scene everyday and night that makes me bury myself on the pillow to atleast lessen the horrible sound of fight make by my parents . This is what wake me up in the middle of every night , the everyday scene that makes me wanted to sleep and live in my dreams to leave everything in this ruthless world that suffocating me to death .

I'm still alive but I'm barely breathing , I still live but I think I'm dying . Oh yes ! Faith Allison Greene , your still alive , and you need to get up because you still have freaking school .

I lazily walk to my bathroom , again hearing my Dad defend himself while my Mom bombarded him by her expletive questions , insults and slap him with his impotency of being a father . I look at my naked reflection on the mirror , Scratch and Cuts are evident from frequent slashing of blade to my pale skin,  blood marks are still fresh from my cuts the other night .

Ugly .

As the cold water run over my naked bruised wounded body cold water reminded me that I'm still warm and alive , I let my tears stray together with the water , This tears aren't for me nor for my parents , this tears is for my pitiful body who suffers every time I try to escape from my  terrible life or to check if I still can feel .

And the bad news is ; Still I can

I wear my Gray long sleeve lose shirt with my knee ripped black skinny jeans and walked lazily down stairs not bothering to atleast comb my hair or put some make up to hide the freckles on my nose down to my cheeks like every normal teenager does . My Dad was on his car already waiting for me impatiently , He always drive me to school  , and everyday he rather stay on the car with his phone than to stay and listen to my mother's rant of insults inside the house .

"Where are you going?" Mom asked , her face scrunched looking at me with disappointment . She was working as Fashion designer on a famous clothing line , stress from her every month deadlines and unsuccessful marriage plus her wasted daughter what makes her be like the mother you've never wanted .

"School" I answered not even meeting her eyes .

I cant even remember when was the last time that I saw her eyes , her happy contented eyes .

"With that?" She sneer , Her eyes scrutinized at my look , Yes maybe because she's a fashion designer and supposedly a fashion critic to her own daughter . "You look .. ---"

"Ugly?" I cut her off and continue what she was about say


"Hideous , unappealing , unattractive ,unlovely, monstrous?" I scoff with an irritating grin on my face , I guess I almost mention all the synonyms of the word ugly for my mother know that I already knew what she was about to say because she always snap it at my face everyday, she maybe uses different words to describe me everyday? But it always falls back to the word 'Ugly' and  trust me I completely utterly accept it in the first place . I give her that 'What look' as she swallow her tongue . "I'm leaving" I stated .

I was sick of her insults , she always wanted me to be like her , or to be as pretty,  as perfect like her office mate's barbie wannabe daughters, she wanted me the daughter she can be proud of , She wanted me to be another person like if she had a chance ? She would swap Me to  a better  who would listen and follow her like a robot .

Car ride with my dad is like the usual car ride I always experience whether in the bus or with him , He was talking to the phone with whoever dumb headed people , laughing like a fool while his eyes are all locked on the road . We haven't talk , We don't have conversation that lasts for at least 10 minutes , He never asked me how am I at school ? Or who my friends are or Do I have friends ? Like every father used to ask her daughter . Whenever he doesn't have phone calls , He rather listen to his MP3 than talk to me . That's why I never questioned my mother for calling my father a worthless dimwit .

I wonder if he still know what's my full name is ?

I slam the car's door as I went out of it when He called out that makes my eyes widened with confusion .

"Kid" He called out , giving me that 'come here' wave

I annoyingly roll my eyes before getting close to the car .

"I can't catch you later" He stated not looking at me , He was busy scrolling down through his phone

"K" I replied "anything more?" I asked .

"I've red your note , in the fridge" He shrug his shoulder to the last word .

Shoot ! I almost forgot my note , I post in on the fridge addressed to whoever Satan's spawn that bother to waste their minute and a sec to read my note that I'll be moving to my rented shared apartment near my school on the second friday of the month ,which is next week . I give him that 'continue' look .

"I wonder if you can surv--" He started his rant with the expression that I hated , His fake concern .

"Trust me I can live without you both" I interrupted . I look down at my wristwatch "I need to go" I ended as  I started to walk alone at the long way heading to the building , The pine chilling wind never bothers me while the other forest animals also known as students sprint to get in instantly to the building .

I stack my stuffs in my locker and continue my pace now going to my first subject .

"Faith !" Marie called out , Hearing her four inches heels tapped noisily at the tiled floor of the building .

If you think that I prefer to be alone , I don't have friends or either I bury myself in the place that no one can see me every lunch break and grieve for the life I have well I'm not but if I had a choice ? I wish I could be that person . I still manage to have a fake social life despite of all the things I have in my luggage , I always try to be normal or atleast to act normal and wear my mask for 8 long hours of my day here in Preston.

Its time to wear that freaking smile Faith .

"Marie" I try to mock her energy and give her a smile .

"What's that face?" She snorted while looking at my face with her trimmed eyebrows knotted while walking with me side by side

."what?" I feign . The stress , anxiety , depression that I tried to hide everyday is now showing uncontrollably . Maybe because my face was tired and suck of pretending .

Marie is one of my other friends who I decided to outstrip in my life but nevertheless never leave me and still talk to me because she doesn't have a choice for the reason of No one can stand her annoying attitude so she still talk to me despite of what I act .

"Nothing" her perceptive eyes averted , and she let an obvious sigh "just tell me anything okay?" She continued .

I appreciate her presence everytime I feel that she was worried about me but that was rare , because most of the time she was babbling nonsense things or gossips .

I try to give her a assurance just by smiling and we continue to walk heading to our first subject which she really loves because Dylan Taylor was there .

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