Chapter 3 school

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^Next morning^

That stupid alarm clock woke me up so early. I remember setting the clock for 8:30 Jake must have set it for 7:30 that little smurf. I went to the bathroom to get myself together, cleaned up a little, then i put on my clothes. I went downstairs to see the 1 and only Seth Clearwater. He looked really cute in his cut off shorts and tight black shorts. He still kept his head down though so he couldn't see me. Hey Seth wat's up, how ya doing " I'm doing awesome and you" he said. I'm not doing so hot right now, Do you want to know why? "Why's that?" because Seth you wont look me in the eyes at all is there something on my face, or do you just not want to see me. He started to move his head up a little so I could see his face. " Is that better?"  yes now we can go to school and be best friends again. i grabbed his hand and walked outside. i let go of his hand and ran to my Lamborghini with all of my speed. Oh my gosh how did it get here so fast i thought she would probably bring it tomorrow or something. "No Nessie dropped it off at the border because she was going to be late and i picked it up." Jake said, thank you your the best big brother anyone could have.OK who wants to ride with me? They both raised there hands well it looks like Seth is Jake. Do you know why? You already drove the car and sat in it and Seth can’t drive. There is only one seat in there, which is the passengers’ side so maybe next time. Seth was about to hop in the car with me when an old mustang pulled up. Kate was inside of it telling Seth to hurry up. “I’m going to ride with Kota today ok don’t worry” Seth said. She had a mad face when she drove off. Hey Seth I don’t think your girlfriend likes me at all she keeps glaring daggers at me.” It’s ok I’ll tell her to stop if you like” ok thanks.

I saw the welcome to forks high school sign up ahead. Why don’t we go to la push high Seth? “Because Kate and the Cullen’s go here “. I pulled in next to all of the nicer cars, which I assume belongs to them. I was pulled out of the car by Alice and Nessie. I am so excited that we are  going to school together this year and the next. I looked back to my car to see where Seth is but he and Kate are kissing. Oh that really p***** me off. I don't know why it does because he doesn't like me and he probably imprinted on her. I keep on having these dreams when i would end up with Seth not her. That's just my imagination though. Alice and Nessie took me to the front office to get my schedule. when we walked in the lady at the front desk was looking at all three of us as if we were magical. "Are you a new Cullen miss?" she asked. No actually i am a black and just close friends with the Cullens. Her eyes widened then she had a scowl. "Will you have the same behavior as your brother will you or the rest of them?" Them? Who are them? Excuse me but isn't that really rude to say them? You could say the rest of your family because in some way we all are family. So please use the right terminology correctly.Now i believe you have my schedule I say with the most pleasant smile.She gave me my paper with a glare which is really mean. I look at my schedule and they say that i have one class with everyone and all classes with Seth and Kate.

As i'm walking down the hall by myself trying to find the class i bump into someone. I look up and see the most beautiful blue eyes i've ever seen. Oh I'm so sorry i'm just trying to find my class and wasn't looking where i was going. "it's ok it was my fault i just wanted to talk to you." He started to blush really hard. My name is Dakota but people call me Kota for short. ''My name is Mark just Mark'' He stuck out his hand for me to shake. The final bell just rang so i asked him do you know  where Mr. Meaner's class is? "it is down the hall to the left you can't miss it" thanks Mark.

I ran down the hall and to the left to run into someone else. Gosh i'm so sorry i am beginning to do that a lot lately. I look up and see Seth starring at me with the most Beautiful brown eyes. I've missed those eyes so much over the last years. "The teacher asked if anyone knew misses Black and i said i did he told me to come look for you just in case you got lost". Thanks Seth now lets go before i get in big trouble. We walked inside the class and al eyes darted to me. Seth went to go sit down all the way at the back next to Kate who was glaring at me once again. I walked up to the teacher and told him i got lost. "It's ok just next time make sure someone takes you to class before you get lost again. Who wants to help get Dakota to all of her classes for the next few days? Ah Clearwater nice of you to be so generous as to helping out. See me after class to get a pass to help her out". Kate's mouth is hanging wide opened right now which is pretty funny. "Miss black would you care to sit next to Mr. Clearwater for a while until i get a new seating chart?" Uh no sir, i went to go sit next to Seth who had a blank face.

When i sat down Seth passed me a note.(So Mark huh?) I was blushing i forgot he has werewolf hearing. You can not tell Jake about this do you understand? i wrote back.(Yes i understand i just thought you could do better that's all.) Maybe he was talking about him, that would be really awesome.

I fell asleep during class twice so Seth tickled me awake. Each time he would do that i would laugh really loud and the class just looked back at us. After the second time we both got a detention.

At lunch i sat with the wolves instead of the Cullens i figure I might as well switch between both everyday. Someone just flicked a fry at my head i looked around and saw Kate scowling at me again. What do you keep looking at me like that? What did i do to you? "You are trying to steal my man" Ok first of all he can hang out with whoever he wants to and i just got here yesterday so you really have some nerve. Why would you even think i was tring to date Seth? Everyone at this table is like a brother to me even my own brother so shut the F*** Up and stop being so insecure. I stormed away trying to get away from all this drama. Edward can you tell whoever is trying to follow me to butt out except for Seth. Can you come out to please? I walk down the hall back and forth trying to cool off. I see Edward coming down the hall now i walk up to him. ( I still love Seth edward and it kills me to see he's with that fake thing i see in my mind) he walks up and gives me a hug. "Would it help if i tell you he didn't imprint on her?" I have a huge smile on my face then it falters. Then who did he imprint on? "I can't tell you that one because I don't even know he's good at hiding his thoughts." Jakey can you please come out here I know you're listening? Jake came running to us smiling. Jake why are you smiling so big or why are you smiling? "I have to ask you something very important " his face turned very serious and edward sarted laughing. WHY IS HE LAUGHING AND WHAT DO YOU WANT? "DO YOU STILL LOVE SETH?"

DUN DUN DUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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