He's Coming

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It was a few weeks later that i finally got the tape off of me and was able to finally shower like a human being. I was staying at Aces on the weekends, while my aunt Carol insisted i was home at least Monday-Thursday, so Friday-Sunday we were together. We hadn't really done anything, on account of how much pain I had been in, but after four weeks of dating and hanging out with his gang, I figured it was about time. He knew of coarse. I had told him on many occasions that when the tape was finally off I would jump his bones, but I don't think he was fully prepared.

I hadn't told him of my appointment that day, and the doctor decided as long as i was no longer hurting that I should be fine.

"Can you drop me off at Irby's? I'm going to hang out with Billy." I told my uncle as we drove through town.

"You mean Ace right?" I nodded, blushing, which made him smirk. "I know Ace Merrill, and normally I would forbid you from dating him...but I've seen you together, and he's different with you. You two are so cute together, it would be a shame to break you up. Just be careful, and use protection. I talked to the doctor and he gave me a prescription. It's expensive, but the pills are much more reliable than a condom, so you will be taking them."

"Thank you uncle Ryan! That's awesome!" I grinned. Being on the pill is something you can only do if you're well off, and it has to be paid for by a guardian, which is another reason no one is on them. What sane parent would give those to their children...smart ones, that's who.

We went to the pharmacy in the next town since ours didn't carry them and he handed me 2. "Take these with food when you get inside. Your aunt will give these to you every morning, but you'll be responsible for taking them on the weekends. They won't start working for 24 hours, so...condoms." He said, handing me a box, which i quickly slipped into my bag. "I know I'm being pushy, but I don't want little Megs and Aces running around, and I know no one else does either." I hugged him quickly before jumping out and running inside.

"Hey Meg!" Billy said, making everyone look at me as I ran in and jumped into Aces arms.

"Slow down babe, I don't want you to..." He stopped as his hands touched my ribs, no longer feeling the tight tape wrapped around me. He lifted my shirt slightly and I grinned, before he twirled me around.

"It'll be nice not having you need to carry me around anymore." I smiled as he pouted.

"You don't like me carrying you?"

"Aww, I love it, all I'm saying is, now you're not going to be carrying me cause I'm injured. You'll be carrying me because we're going upstairs to bed." I whispered in his ear, making him moan, before pulling me tighter to his chest and sucking on my neck harshly.

"Ace...it's your turn...Ace!"

"Leave him alone, he's eating." Eyeball laughed to Vinny, who rolled his eyes.

"Speaking of eating." I groaned as I pulled away from him and went to order myself some fries and a coke. I grabbed them before walking back to the table. Ace, Eyeball, and Billy were now sitting around, playing cards...poker I guess? I ate for a little while before pulling the pills from my pocket and swallowing them.

"Why are you taking more pills? I thought you said the pain was gone." Billy spoke up and I rolled my eyes.

"It is. Don't concern yourself with everything I do." I stated, before taking my dishes to the back. As i turned around I was met face to chest with my boyfriend.

"If it still hurts you can tell me, come on. It's Friday, we can go to the lake. The water always helps." He laced his fingers in mine and i shrugged, allowing him to take me out to his car and drive me to the far end of the lake. Its actually more like a pond, it's away from where most people swim, concealed by trees and bushes, so we usually have our partys here. I changed into my bathing suit, which I kept in the trunk of Aces car for moments like these before running out, and diving into the water. We hung out there for a while before the sun started setting and we laid on the grass, cuddled under a blanket.

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