two: bee

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I realized I switched POVs last chapter so I won't do it this time. Sorry, I'm used to writing in third person.


When I woke up the next morning it wasn't that eventful. I realized I had a study guide to complete and also had to work for an hour, and have dance at six. Being old sucks.

I pulled on a pair of sweats quickly, as my legs were cold, and a hoodie from PINK. I honestly don't think it's mine, but.

Plugging my phone into Harry's iHome(that I stole), I turn on Pandora and start to clean up the junk from the floor of my room. I don't have classes until noon, thankfully. I leave for work at two, right after my classes end then I usually come home, take a nap, shower and leave for dance.

Dance isn't something I've always done, more like picked up a couple months back when I got completely bored and roamed around the school. Harry doesn't like it, he says it isn't me. Which. When he first told me that I laughed for ten minutes and asked him; "what is me?" To which he replied, "not dance."

One of these days I hope he realizes I'm in love with him. But then I also don't. Telling Harry I loved him would ruin our relationship, definitely. It's something that would kill me so I don't like thinking about it. I always tell myself I'm going to fall in love with someone else but ever since I was little, I knew I wanted to be with Harry.

I'm cut away from my desperate thoughts as my phone chimes from my bed.

H: come to the coffee shop on third

S: why?

H: do you want to finish that study guide?

I grab my bag and phone, shove on my Nikes, then I'm out the door before Harry texts back.


The coffee shop isn't that packed when I arrive. It never is, really. It's home to a lot of college students that have to study, a.k.a me. Louis, the chill barista greets me as the door opens and the bell chimes. I smile back at him.

Harry isn't hard to find, as he's in a SUF shirt and grey sweats. There will never be a time I don't see him in a schools football shirt, honestly.

"Hi," he greets, looking up from his Mac.

"Hey." I plop my bag into my lap, pulling out my folders and pencil. "Ugh, I'm feeling so lazy today. I have so much junk to do!"

"When will you ever cuss, Stella-Bee?" Harry chuckles, arching an eyebrow.

"When I not a lady." I smile sarcastically. "C'mon, let's just get this over with."

It doesn't take long before we're almost finished, as we actually did work and were only interrupted once when our drinks were placed on the table.

When we leave, it's nearing 11:50, so I hurry to my car. "Bye Haz! Smell ya later."

Harry smiles. It's a smile that's starts as a smirk and slowly fades into a fully on grin, making his dimples pop out full force. Damn, he's beautiful.

"Bye, Stella-Bee. Drive safe." I watch him get into his car, backing up and pulling out of the lot. I sigh.


Classes aren't fun, which they never are. They're over before I know it and I'm quick to leave my last class.

When I reach my dorm I kick off my shoes and collapse onto my bed. Fuck work.


It's not late when I wake up, just around three. I call into work and tell them I've come down with a cold. It's not hard to convince my boss as she loves me and knows my parents really well. Why would I lie to her? I laugh. She really doesn't know me that well.


Dance is fun and pretty easy. I'm in the middle of doing a spin, leg poised in mid air with my right arm around my own waist, when a throat is cleared behind me.

"Nice form, Stella-Bee." My leg drops, heel spinning quickly.

I smile at Harry. "Thanks. What are you doing here?"

He shrugs, looking at all the other girls and boys around me, still dancing while Abby, our teacher, talks to a student. "Thought I'd drop by. Having fun?" He laughs.


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"Funny. But what-"

"Alright class!" Abby claps, moving to the front of the room. "We're moving to the partner unit! Boys and girls!" She claps again. "Chop chop!"

"Ugh," I groan. Harry chuckles next to me. "I hate being partnered up."

"I know, Bee." He smiles, hands tucking into his pockets. "I've known you over seventeen years."

"Right." I sigh, looking around. Everyone is paired besides me. Great.

"Looks like you're SOL." Harry chuckles.

"Stella!" Abby approaches, hand gripping her hip. "We'll need to find you someone," she looks around. "Let's see..."

"I can do it." Harry says, raising his right hand. I laugh. "Harry, this isn't High School Musical and you're not Troy Bolton, put your hand down."

"Wonderful!" Abby claps, yet again. "Stella and Harry! Okay," she smiles at Harry gratefully before making her way to the head of the room again.

"This will be fun." I mutter sarcastically. Harry cackles next to me.


Omfg this chapter is so nasty and boring I'm so sorry lmao it just drags on but I was listening to music the whole time and it distracts me

Playlist for this chapter:
How to love - Lil Wayne
Don't - Bryson Tiller
I know - Big Sean
It's you - Zayn

And there are more song I just can't remember lol

The next chapter is going to get juicy 😏😏😏😏

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