~Chapter 2~

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When I woke up this morning I was in total bliss. No one had to scream to wake me up and it was also my birthday. I woke up extra early so I could get ready and look my best for when I found my mate. I went into the shower and washed my hair with my strawberry scented shampoo and my body with lavender soap. I actually put an effort into my appearance today that's for sure. My outfit consisted of black skinny jeans with a white shirt and a leopard print scarf with my white converse. I let my hair fall down in its natural waves and put a little bit of eye shadow on.
       Once done with checking myself out in the mirror I went downstairs and made breakfast, I didn't want anyone to see me so I waited in my room till everyone left for school before I ate and cleaned up.
        Once I walked through the front doors of the school I got a lot of stares. I didn't know if they were good or bad. I went to my locker  to get my stuff.
     " HAPPY BIRTHDAY BAILS!! And my do you look hot," Ashley said with a joking wink.
      "Why thank you Ashley it means a lot. So what did you get me for my b-day?" I asked her.
      "You can never wait can you?" I shook my head no. "Alright here you go then," she said handing me a wrapped gift.
      As I tore the wrapping paper I saw that it was a framed picture of me and her earlier this year. "Oh my gosh Ashley! I love it, it's perfect thank you so much! You are a great friend you know that right?"
       "Yea I know, so did you find your mate yet?" She asked.
      "No, not yet but hopefully soon. I want him to be perfect you know?" I said.
     "I understand I want my mate to be perfect too," she replied.
      We went to homeroom and waited for our school day to begin. Once it did it was boring like really really really boring.
      By lunch I still haven't found my mate so I began to worry. What if I don't find my mate, what if my mate is dead? When lunch was over the rest of the day past by quickly except gym. Wanna know why?
      Because of Axel freaking Davidson that's why. After getting changed Ashley and I went out to the gym, and I smelt the most wonderful scent I have ever smelt. It was a mix between pine and chocolate. Then there was this voice inside my head that screamed out, "MATE!!" I started following the scent and when I came to the person that owned that intoxicating scent was I surprised. He must of sensed me standing behind him because he turned around and started sniffing the air, until he looked down and smelled around me. He looked confused at first but then in his eyes flashed lust, love, happiness, and then lastly anger. I couldn't  figure out as to why he was angry.
      "You have got to be kidding me! What did I do to deserve a ugly and fat bitch like you as a mate?!" Axel yelled at me. His words cut deep in my heart. Why was he saying this, wasn't he supposed to love me no matter what?
      Then he said the most dreadful words a mate could hear, "I Axel Davidson reject you Bailey Harrison as my mate." I held in my tears and did the only reasonable thing I could do, "I Bailey Harrison accept your rejection."  I accepted his rejection, which caused the worst pain I have ever felt inside of me, inside of my heart.
       Before I turned away I pointed a finger at Axel and said,"You will regret rejecting me you know that don't you?" And with that said I turned and walked away.  I didn't even finish last period, I went straight home and cried till I had no more tears left.
      I decided that I couldn't stay in this pack anymore, not while knowing that my "mate" didn't want me. I packed all the things I owned and wrote a couple letters to some people, one to Ashley, James, and Axel. I then went into the secret safe I have and took out all the money that I had which was a little over 10 million dollars. My parents were rich because of the title they held and I worked over summers to earn money. After writing the letters I grabbed my stuff and went to the woods surrounding the house.
         Before I passed the territory line of my pack I looked back once more and gave it my middle finger. Thinking ,"See ya later suckers!" Then I disappeared into the woods.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2017 ⏰

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