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       With a purposeful and calculated stride—my goal being to draw all eyes to me—I made my way across the marble floor of my birthing Omega's company lobby. The building was a testament to luxury and power, with its high ceilings, gleaming surfaces, and towering holographic displays boasting the clean streamline efficiency of Jude Energies. The soft hum of advanced technology intermingled with the faint scent of floral fragrances, designed to put visitors at ease, it all felt cold and artificial to me.

I completely bypassed the flustered-looking female norm manning the reception desk, her wide eyes following my every move. My presence alone would be enough to unsettle her, and I had no time for her timid attempts to sideline another meeting with my Namesake Omega, Hera Deus Jude. The grav lift ride up was long and awkward, the enclosed space amplifying the tension that coiled within me like a spring. I fought to keep my hands steady, my breaths even, and my expression neutral.

Hera could smell weakness a mile away, and if I wanted to get my way, I had to look composed and not like an easy meal for her to pick apart. She was one of the most formidable Namesake Omegas in the galaxy, a business tycoon with an empire spanning multiple star systems. Her reputation for ruthlessness was legendary, and I knew that any sign of hesitation or fear would be my undoing.

As the grav lift finally came to a stop with a soft chime, the doors slid open to reveal Hera's private office suite. The opulence was overwhelming, from the rare old world wood furniture to the priceless artworks, not holo's, but real artwork adorning the walls. But none of it compared to the imposing figure seated behind the massive obsidian desk.

Before me sat an entirely different echelon of wealth.

Hera's presence was almost palpable, her piercing blue eyes locking onto mine with an intensity that sent a shiver down my spine. Her platinum blonde hair was pulled back into a severe bun, accentuating the sharp angles of her face. She wore a tailored suit that highlighted her powerful physique, every inch of her radiating dominance and control. You would never think her capable of birthing ten omega offspring- though only two, myself included were dominates, to her dismay-she had none of the characteristics the old world normies would have called maternal.

Before me sat about a dozen or so men along a long metal table, each dressed to the nines in different variations of darkly colored suits. The tera currency seemed to dance above their heads; calling to me in a way only generational wealth could. Anticipation filled me as I approached what I knew could be my only chance at being free of the responsibly that came with being Cardinal Domius of the Jude offspring.

And all eyes were on me, perfect.

A palpable tension hung in the air, and it seemed like I had disrupted the table in the midst of an important discussion. Upon my arrival, the table fell into a heavy silence, proving me right, but I opted not to care.

"You interrupt, Cardinal Jude" she said, her voice as cold and sharp as a blade. In all my life I don't think she has ever referred to me by anything, but my title. It would not surprise me if she did not know my name or any of her children's name at that.

"I apologize, Namesake Mother Jude," I replied, keeping my voice steady and my gaze unwavering as I bowed my head. "I was hoping to have a word, if you would so permit."

I had played a dangerous card deferring to her, as it was frown upon in the Tellus Rerum not the publicly show favoritism to your Cardinal Dominus. Of all her offspring I was the only one she had to show even a semblance of emotion for. At least while others were watching.

Her eyes narrowed slightly, and for a moment, I thought she might challenge the trap I had set for her. But then she simply nodded and gestured for me take my place at her right. A spot fitting for a Cardinal Dominus. She does not dismiss her subordinates in the room and I do not expect her to, it is a thing of pride as a Namesake Omega. If she sent the men out it would seem as though I had the upper hand, and she cannot have that.

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