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       The year is 5035 Post Earth (P.E). The human race successfully destroyed their home planet and have dispersed into the stars like cockroaches from the light. They live upon man made port city's dotting what was once called the  Milky Way Galaxy.

Due to the excessive amounts of radiation exposure over the course of decades in space, human woman are no longer able to conceive normally and a new secondary gender not specific to male or female has developed in order to ensure offspring.

Omega and Alpha.

In this new caste of humans, Omegas reign supreme. The ultimate prize of the human race, the only way to ensure a pure and long bloodline. But while Omega's are next to godliness, Alphas are regarded as nothing more than beasts, feral animals locked in cages until breeding age where they are then either sold into the fighting pits or to the highest Omega bidder.

Looking back, I knew the day I found Soren in the gladiator pits of Port Ira that things were never going to be the same. As he stepped out of the shadows and into my life, I couldn't shake the feeling that he was not just a mere possession, but a harbinger of chaos and change that would unravel the carefully woven fabric of my existence. Little did I know, his arrival would set off a chain of events that would force me to confront the darkest corners of our fractured world and my own soul. The truth about Alphas, the secrets of the Omega society, and the real reason behind the system our ancestors had set in place. What lay ahead was a journey that would push the boundaries of everything I believed in and challenge the very essence of what it meant to be an Omega.

****Trigger Warnings****

MxM SciFi Romance, Dom/Sub dynamics, MPreg mentioned, but does not occur in book, bondage, dubcon/semi noncon, violence and strong pregidous do occur.

I have every intention for this story to be dark and not agreeable to most readers. I plan to portray any and all negatives of what it means to be humans. If that is not to your taste that is okay. Do not read then. 18+ but I'm not your momma so do what you want just don't blame me.

Read the story at one's own risk. You have been warned. This story will have aliens, but they will really only be mentioned and likely won't make any appearances in the actual storyline.

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