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I wiped the tears from my face. I read the text Tyler sent me over and over again, and yet, no matter how many times I read the text, I couldn't begin to fathom why Tyler would break up with me.

Soon after, Tyler's social media was filled with pictures of Tyler and (B/F/N) together. I threw my phone at the wall. It shattered when it hit the ground. Tears were streaming down my face. I heard footsteps outside my room. The door suddenly opened. It was my mom concern written all over her face.

"What's wrong?" My mother asked.

"T-Tyler broke up with me," I said between sobs.

Concern left my mother's face only to be replaced with annoyance.

"Oh, that's all." Her tone suddenly became impassive. She closed the door.

The next day at school wasn't any better. As I walked down the hallways, I could hear people whisper in the halls, only to stop when I was right there. I slowly drag my feet to math class. Whoever thought up of math class sucks. I don't care if Linda had ten apples and John has 20 apples. Linda and John can shove those apples up their ass for all I care. But that's not why I don't want to go to math class. Both (b/f/n)bitch and douchebag Tyler go have the same math class. There's also the gossip girls. At least (f/n) goes to that class. The math teacher doesn't bother me, he sits there and talks. It's so boring I draw crappy little stick figures on the side of the page.

I don't know why every year I have to have math first period. When I get to the classroom the normal chatter becomes whispers. "Did you hear,(Y/n) got pregnant so she had to stay home yesterday." "No, I heard Tyler found that slut cheating on him and broke up with her." "I hear that Tyler and (b/f/n) are dating." These people will believe anything they hear. Kinda pathetic isn't it. Why don't you kill them? That'll make them shut up. Wait for what? Why am I having these thoughts?

The bell rings. I sit at the corner desk. "W-w-well c-class we h-have a new s-student today." Oh did I forget to mention teacher has a stuttering problem? It's annoying as hell. You'd love to see his blood on your hands wouldn't you (Y/n). Why am I having these thoughts!!! "Liu y-you c-can come in n-now." My eyes went wide. I pinched myself hoping this was all a dream. The kid, no man, in front of me was the man that broke into my house yesterday. Why did her do it? Oh look at that. I wouldn't trust him if I were you. He looks like he is going to get popular. "Liu g-go sit n-next to (Y/n).

The girls in the class all groan. They probably hate me more. Another reason to hate them. Oh my god! SHUT UP! I don't know what's wrong with me today. It's not like schizophrenia. These are my thoughts, my voice just different ideology. I'm becoming screwed up.

As soon as Liu sits next to me, my mind goes blank. My (e/c) orbs meet his green ones. Lesley ruins the moment. "Hey, Liu, why don't you step away from slutty (Y/n), she probably has an STD. I'll show you a good time." Before Liu could respond, the teacher steps in. "T-that's enough Lesley, g-go t-to the office." Lesley glares at me. "But..." the teacher puts his books down. "No b-buts, go NOW!" Lesley stands up and gives me a glare and stands up. She's probably gonna go hide out in the bathroom. (F/n) looks back and smiles. She gives me a thumbs up and turns bad around to write something. When she turns back around she has a sign in all caps. What she wrote disgusted both me and Liu. She smiled even wider. To put it simply this is what she wrote.




"Hey BEN, the master wants to see you. I looked up from my video games. Masky was standing there. He looked impatient standing with his clipboard. "WhY iS iT iMpOrTaNt?" I asked a smile forming on my face. Masky seemed nervous. Everyone except for dark link are afraid of pissing me off. The whole reason this mansion is protected because of the deal I made with slender. He gave me a place to stay, and I made sure no humans came to...meddle.

Masky straightened his Mask. "Yeah dumbass, he wouldn't call you if it wasn't important." I hated Masky, he just doesn't know when to shut his mouth. I got up, the Tv started to glitch behind me and the lights started to flash on and of? "WhAt DiD yOu CalL mE?" I could feel the warm liquid fall down my face. I couldn't tell what Masky was thinking because of his stupid Mask. "Nothing important. Master is waiting for you." Masky was completely calm. I calmed down and went to Slender's office. Masky knocked on the door. "It's me, master". I silently laughed. Masky hated calling Slender, Master. But he has to, because It's his punishment for being a loose cannon. "Yes, come in." We both came in.

"So Benjamin, you know of our current...Predicament, right?" So this was about the girl. I guess this is important. "YeS," my genuine smile became a twisted one. "dO yOu WAnT mE to DO SoMeThInG tO HeR?" Slenderman put some papers in order. "Yes, I need you to go to her school to keep an eye on her, I already got the papers in order." Well this was gonna be a pain in the ass. Stalk her from her computer, yes. Mess up her shit, yes. School is not really my strong suit. I change into my human form and grab my book bag. "I'm guessing it starts today." Slender nodded. I walked out. I guess I have to go to school.


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