Part 5

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"Did I just catch you on a walk of shame?" Someone snickers when I step into my dorm room.

"No it's not like that. I just went to a party last night and had too much to drink." I answer.

"Don't worry about it sister. Happens to me all the time. Who's dorm did you sleep in?" She asks.

"Jake Vallins." I tell her. "Do you know him?"

"Yeah I do..." She smirks. "I haven't done him yet though."

"Yet?" I gasp.

"Oh... I'm so sorry. I was kidding. Well not really. But I won't touch him I promise. You like him, don't you?"

I quiet down. I barely know him. To think, I know nothing about him. So why am I feeling this way? It makes no sense. He makes me nervous, I find myself admiring him very often, and I'm not even going to lie, he is wildly attractive. There is definetely something special about him. But do I like him? I don't know him well enough to say anything to that question.

"I'm Carly by the way." She interrupts my thoughts by saying.

"Nice to meet you Carly. I'm Skylar."

I don't know why Matt and Josh were saying all those rude things about her, she's super nice. And she even promised to leave Jake alone.

Clearly she's quite... popular amongst men, she did admit it herself that she does walk of shames all the time but as a person she's very polite and friendly. I think we are going to be pretty good friends.

I decide to check my phone for texts since I haven't since yesterday. I dig through my purse and finally my fingers find it.

Matt: how's the hangover?😝 did Jake get u back home okay?

Katie: dang gurl you sure can party! How much do you remember from last night?

Julie: lunch with me at 11?

I text Matt back first and say:

It's a killer.. 😷 Yeah exept he didn't take me back to my dorm.. I slept over at his. Nothing happened though.

How did Katie even get my number? Perhaps I gave it to her or something. I text her back saying:

So can you! Ehh... I remember getting there and meeting you guys, having a couple of drinks.. Not really anything about the rest of the night. You?

I left the part out where I asked Jake about his old roommate. By that point I had probably sobered up a bit or something because I remember it pretty clearly.

I feel like I'm going to burst out of curiosity. I just want to get to know him and all his secrets.

I call Julie to let her know that I'm taking her up on her offer and that I'll meet her there in ten minutes. I don't really feel like eating anything, more like vomiting but I'll go and give her some company.

Carly and I say our goodbyes and I head out. I hope she will be here tonight so I could get to know her better. But it's a saturday so I don't think she will.

I reach the cafeteria and spot Julie standing by the front door. I greet her and we go get something to eat.

I grab a bottle of water while Julie gets some food for herself. I am seriously never drinking again.

"Look who it is." Julie smirks.

I look at the direction Julie is pointing at and I see Jake sitting at a table with some guys.

We make eye contact but only for a split-second because Jake is quick to turn his head away and hide behind one of his friends.

Two of the guys make fun of his actions and one even mentions my name but Jake doesn't move from his hiding place. What's gotten into him?

Julie shrugs and picks up her tray of food and starts to walk to a random table determinately.

I follow hot in her tail but my mind is running wild. Why is Jake avoiding me like that? Did I do something embarrassing last night? Did I vomit on him or something? Why can't I just remember what happened...

"Do you know why Jake is acting so weird?" I ask Julie after sitting in silence for a couple of minutes.

"I don't know. He's probably just nervous around you." She shrugs again.

"As if." I chuckle. "How much do you even know about him? He's so secretive and odd."

"We don't talk much, we're just casual friends, we've never had one of those deep conversations, you know?" She responds.

"Oh okay. So I was wondering, is it possible that we could like... hang out? Me, you, Matt and Jake?" I suggest. I can see her getting bored with this subject but I can't help myself.

"Yeah sure, How about central park, tomorrow at noon?" She says and I nod several times excitedly. "Cool, I'll let the boys know our plan."

With that, I let her finish her lunch as I take a sip of my water every now and then. I just want to get back to my dorm room and sleep. My head is throbbing and I feel sick. Why does alcohol have these kinds of side effects anyway? This is no fun.

*Author's note*

This is just sort of a filler chapter and kind of lame as well haha oops.

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