Chapter 3

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~pic of 10 year old Jake~

~Jakes POV~

"So you tomorrow class!" The teacher said as he waved goodbye to everyone. I grabbed my backpack and walked to the park near my school. As I walked through an alleyway I saw a crow being attacked by a cat. I scared the cat away and crouched in front of the crow. It was hurt, it had a lot of scratches and was bleeding. I grabbed a sandwich from my backpack and pulled some bread off it. I offered the crow some of the bread.

"Ah!" I screamed as it suddenly flew at me. It scratched my cheek as it flew into the sky. I sighed and continued to the park. When I got to the park I saw a wallet on the ground. I picked it up and looked at the ID picture. As I looked at the picture three boys walked up behind me. They looked around 15.

"Hey kid would you mind handing that wallet over, you see we lost it" one of the boys said. I suspected that he was the leader of the little group. I knew they were lying, the picture didn't match any of them.

"But this isn't yours" I said turning around.

"I guess we'll have to do this the hard way, right boys" the leader of the boys said. His friends agreed and they advanced toward me. I quickly turned around and ran. They caught up and pushed me to the ground. They kicked me repeatedly. Just before I lost consciousness I saw the boys grab the wallet and walk away, then I fell into an endless darkness.

I slowly opened my eyes and saw that it was dark. I realized that it was probably past 6pm and that I needed to get home. I walked home and opened the door. As I walked in I saw my dad on the couch with a glass bottle in his hand.

"Where have you been and were did you get those bruise?" My father asked sternly.

"S-some teenagers beat me up at the park" I said scared.

"YOU'ER SO WEAK!" My dad yelled as he threw the bottle at me. The bottle broke and glass went everywhere, some cut me. My dad got out of his seat and walked over to me. All I did was stare at him in shock and horror.

My dad yelled as he grabbed my hear and forcefully hit my head against the wall repeatedly. When he finally stopped and pulled my head off the wall all that was left on the wall was blood. He threw me to the floor and started to yell again. I blocked him out, I blocked my pain out, I wanted revenge.

I grabbed a piece of glass and jumped at my dad. He pushed me off and held his eye in shock, then pure hatred. I had cut his eye and blood was leaking down his face. I heard the door open and that's when I knew all hell was coming my way. My mom entered the house and looked at my dad. She ran up to him and they talked for a minute. My mom turned around and stalked toward me glaring at me. She grabbed me by the hair and pulled me off the ground till barely my toes touched the ground.

"YOU UNGRATEFUL DOG!" My mom yelled at me. She dragged me out side and put a collar around my neck. She took a chain that was connected to an old dog house and connected the chain with the collar.

"Like the dog you are you will live out here for a week without food or water" my mother said as she walked away.

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