Chapter 4

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~pic of Shadow~

~Shadow's POV~

We watched as Jake entered the house. We all silently fought each other mentally. He was a good meal for a Shadow,but I had a different reason for being here. One Shadow let out a loud screech, showing his dominance, the louder the screech the stronger the Shadow and the more people could hear it. Already people can barely hear the loudest of screeches.

The Shadow that screeched walked out of the shadows after Jake disappeared into his room. He looked human walking on all fours with long appendages with long, sharp fingers and toes. He had a long tail and bright white eyes and sharp teeth. I knew this Shadow, Tom.

I couldn't let him have Jake. I screeched and walked out of the shadows. Tom looked over at me and screeched again. I also screeched again. Tom stopped and disappeared back into the shadows. All of the other Shadows also left until it was just me in the house.

~Jake's POV~

In my state of panic I saw a shadowy figure appear. It looked human like but had long claws on its hands and what seemed like a belt wrapped around it. It also had long hair and only a mouth, no eyes.

"Hello Jake, I'm Lilith. I've come to help you" the creature said.

"W-what are you?" I asked.

"There is no time for that right now, how about I tell you once those policemen are gone?" Lilith said looking out my window staring at the policemen.

"H-how?" I asked.

"I can kill them easily, but I won't do it for free"

"H-how much would you want?"

"Your soul"


"Not a fan of that idea are you, hm...then how about you sign a contract with me"

"What would be in this contract?"

"I will serve you for a year, and in return you give me half of your soul"

"Fine" I said. Lilith snapped her fingers and a contract appeared before me with a pen. I didn't read the contract but signed it.

"Well then master, what would be your first command?" Lilith asked bowing.

"Kill the policemen" I said pointing at the policemen. Lilith smiled and disappeared.

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