Chapter 2

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Third-Person's POV
Things may get a little werid if you've never watched 50% Off. Also, sorry it's so short, I had to wake up at 4 in the morning for school the next day, and I really wanted to put up a new chapter for you guys)

"Ahh," (Y/N) yawned.

'What time is it? What day is it? Where am I?'

You think to yourself.

'I believe I'm at Taihei's place,'
You manage to recall.

'Wait! What about work? What time is it? I've got to know now!' You think as you start to slightly panic.

'Taihei! I'm at Taihei's place! He would know what time it is,' You start to think as you turn towards him.

'Awww, Taihei is sooo cute when he's sleeping,' You can't help but imagine.

'No! I've got to stay focused! Ask Taihei for the time, then leave,' You think as you start to make a plan


'No buts!


'No! We are not going to take a picture of him while he's sleeping! How would you like it if someone took a picture of you while you were sleeping?'

'I would like it because it means someone cares enough to take a picture of me!'

'Shut up Haru! You know what I mean!'

'But Haruuu,'


Your mind started to work overtime mentally debating whether you should take a quick picture of Taihei or not.

You also probably shouldn't have rewatched 50% Off a few days ago

'Ugh, fine! But only one!'


You decide to take that chance and take a picture of Sleeping!Taihei.

So, you carefully peeled off the sheets and tiptoed to your phone, completely forgetting about work.

Sliding up the little camera icon on the lock screen of your phone, you tiptoed back to Taihei.

'Hehehe, Taihei, I love you with all my heart, and your always so cute, but right now you're even more cute!'


"Oh no! I forgot to turn off the system volume!' You started panicking.

"Mmmhmm," Taihei mumbled as he shifted positions.

'Cute! How did I manage to date such a cutie?!' You thought while internally fangirling.

'Okay, I guess all things must come to an end. And I need to get more rest,' You thought while plugging your phone back into the wall.

'Oh, I could just check the time right now on my phone,' You thought as you remembered about work.

'Hmm, 1:37 AM. Why did I wake up so early? And on a Saturday too. Oh well, back to sleep,'

♡♡♡♡TiMeSkiP to the morning♡♡♡♡

"Uhh, (Y/N)?" Taihei asks while poking your side.

"Huh, uh, yeah? You say groggily.

'Maybe I shouldn't have stayed up admiring Taihei's face,' You silently argued with yourself.

'No way, that was awesome!'

'No one wants your opinion, Haru,'

'S-shut up, Haru!'

Your mind was at it again

"Why is there a million pictures of me sleeping on my phone?"

Sorry for the randomness xD Also sorry for any typos! I'll correct them in the morning)

-DISCONTINUED- Coping with Umaru | Taihei x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now