Chapter 1

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Wishing on Stars chapter 1

Today was just a typical boring day, or at least that's what I thought it was going to be. Of course that was until my whole world got flipped upside down

My name is Noah Thomson; I'm a 21 year old male who lives in New York City. I live by myself in a small and rundown apartment seeing as all of my living family could care less about me. 'No body' is the nickname given to me by my father's side of the family, well them and all of my High school tormentors, that consisted of basically everyone.

Getting back to the typical day stuff I was mentioning a moment ago, my normal day would be Wake up, shower, eat breakfast, work for several hours, get home, and watch TV. Mainly Anime or BBC TV shows on Netflix, eat dinner, and then go back to sleep. I never thought for a minute that my many years of wishing on the night sky would finally pay off.


"Noah!" The manager of 'The Abbot' shouted catching my attention as I sat in the back room, about to open my small lunch.

"Yes sir?" I asked in a monotone voice, I was about to eat and now this jerk was interrupting me and I didn't appreciate that in the least.

"I need you to get off your lazy ass and go out front! The lunch rush just started and we're short on hands."

"But sir!" I shouted getting out of my seat, "My lunch break just started!"

"And it's just ending too." The manager, George Kane, said with venom dripping from his voice

"What?!" I shouted in anger, "This is not fair! I haven't eaten anything today, and I kinda wanted food in my stomach before I went back to work!"

"Well whose fault is that?" George asked, "You should have eaten when you woke up like any sane person would do. Now quit complaining and get out there before I fire you! "

Gritting my teeth in irritation I start to put my lunch away, but not before taking a big bite out of my peanut butter sandwich and a quick swig from my water bottle. Walking out into the main dining area of the Abbot, I take a simple black apron and tie it around my waist.

"Thomson!" my coworker Bill Mitowski called signaling me to come over. Bill was a lanky looking man with short mud brown hair and bark colored eyes. He had a short but thick beard and sideburns to match. Bill was wearing the Abbot's uniform which was made up of a black polo shirt that had 'The Abbot' embroidered on the left chest in gold thread, simple tan pants, tan tennis shoes, and a small black apron.

"Yeah Bill?" I asked trudging over to the older man

Bill looked over at me and pointed to a section of the restaurant, "Since we're short on hands I need you to take care of part A and B of section 2."

The Abbot is split into two sections: Section 1, and section 2. Section 1 was for quests with a party with four or more people, while Section 2 is for guests with a party of three or less. This keeps the Abbot pretty split in half and was useful for the workers so they knew where they were working. After the sections there were parts that went from A-H, each part was a small portion of each section; they were about the size of four tables and each had one server to cover them. Each employee got assigned a section and part and you would work there for around a month or two and then the manager would mix us up. Sometimes, like today we would be short on staff and some of the employees would have two work double and cover two parts of their section instead of just one. And unluckily for me I was that person, but on the plus side I got paid more for my extra work.

"Righty-o" I said bordly as I gave Bill a half-assed three finger salute. Reaching into the small apron I wore I pulled out an order pad and walked over to a table that had a single person waiting patiently for their waiter or waitress, in this case it was waiter. "Welcome to The Abbot." I said staring down at my order pad, "My name is Noah and I'll be your server for your time here. Is there anything I could get you to drink?"

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