Chapter 2 - "Rose" part 1

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Puppet: I'm sorry if the Doctor's ooc, please don't kill me Also I DO NOT own doctor who

“Jesus Doctor!” I groaned from the vented floor of the TARDIS, “I know you don’t know how to drive the TARDIS correctly, but do you think there might be anyway what so ever that you might be able to land more smoothly?”

The Doctor looked down at me as he clutched the controls, “You’ll get used to the rough landings.” He said before strolling over to the doors. Glancing back he asked, “Are you coming?”

Rolling my eyes I got off the floor and followed the leather clad timelord out of the TARDIS and into a large alleyway, much like the one where I first saw the TARDIS “Where are we doctor?” I asked looking up at the taller man in front of me

“London England, year 2005” The Doctor sent me a cheeky smile, “I guess we get to meet Rose today huh?”

“Yeah I guess we do. But don’t forget that’s one of the few spoilers I plan on giving. I don’t want to fuck up the plot to much.”

“Alright Noah, so what should we do?” The Doctor asked talking my hand in his casually.

“I don’t know…” I tugged at the hem of my avenged sevenfold band tee nervously, “Maybe tour around, I mean we don’t meet Rose till later.”

“Okay” The Doctor smiled, “Come along, I bet there’s a good place to get fish and chips.”

“Yeah I bet, I mean we’re in London, what do you expect? Them to be serving caviar at hotdog stands?”

“Shut up” the Doctor huffed, dragging me along towards what we hoped to be a place to get some food.


“I can’t believe you did that Doctor!” I laughed, clutching my stomach in pain, “It’s amazing” I smiled lightly, “All the fans that think they know you so well, know absolutely nothing about you! I can’t believe I used to think that you were so cool and constantly collected, minus for the time when you get mad. But still! You can act like an idiot! That’s bloody fantastic!!”

“Oh be quiet” The Doctor said defensively from across the booth we were sitting in, “Not everyone can constantly be one-hundred percent serious and composed.”

“Whatever you say Doctor” I rolled my eyes looked towards the clock, “By the way I think we should check out Rose’s job. There’s an alien here and they plan on taking over the earth.”

The doctor remained silent for a moment before jolting out of his seat and taking his hand in mine, dragging me out the door of the little restaurant we were in. “My god Noah, why didn’t you say anything about the alien sooner?” Asked the Doctor as we began running down the busy London sidewalks

“Doctor do you know where we’re going?” I asked easily keeping pace with the nine-hundred year old timelord

The Doctor came to a pause before looking at me sheepishly, “Um no…” He scratched the back of his head and gave me an awkward smile, “How about you lead the way?”

“With pleasure” I smiled, tightening my grip on the Doctor’s hand before running again, but this time I was leading.


“Here we are” I pointed towards the shop that Rose works or should I say used to work at. I mean after the shop blows up she isn’t going to get another job for a while.

“Alright” the Doctor said pulling out his sonic screwdriver and once again and taking the lead. Walking into the shop was fairly easy and The Doctor led us into the basement. Walking past an elevator I realized that it was the same elevator that The Doctor and rose used to escape from the plastic men.

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