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I am crumbling, I don't know what to do any more, it hurts too much to think about anything. They told me it was easy but NO! It's too far from easy.

Here I am back to where it all began, regretting my decisions. My mind keeps telling me to forget everything, though there is a part of my mind that keeps whispering that I deserve it.

I am currently walking in the muddy road, under the rain holding this piece of paper that was the reason for all of this. Should I just give up? 

I walk alongside the street crumpling the piece of paper when...


I fell to the ground hard and fast, I felt numb though it didn't numb the hurt inside. My ears were ringing and my vision starts to blur, then everything went dark. But before I succumb to the darkness, I heard someone yelling.

"Ashiteru, Mizuki"


Konnichiwa minna!!

This is my first story and I am soooooo nervous about it, if there are some mistakes I would highly recommend to please point out so that I can improve it.

I am in your care


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