Chapter 1 - Meeting him

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Shalalalalala my oh my looks like the boy's too shy
 ain't gonna kiss the girl,
Shalalalalala don't be scared

you better be prepared go on and kiss the girl.

I groan and blink my eyes as I hear my phone ringing near my ear. I picked it up and looked at the time. It was still 4:30 in the morning, and just as how a great student I was I put my phone back and went back to sleep. 

A few moments later my alarm rang again but this time when I took it, I saw that it was almost 5:30. Oh sh*t, I have to get up or else I'd be late for school again. So I went to the kitchen and made breakfast, unable to think anything I just came up with scrambled eggs and corned beef. After everything I took the heater and left it to boil the water then I went to the bathroom to take a cold shower.

After taking a shower I went to my closet and wore the same thing I wear 5 days a week. Our uniform is just like normal, below the knee skirt with a polyester jacket to protect us from the weather. When I was sure that I was finished I called my family down for breakfast.

"Guys! breakfast is ready, come down or you'll be late!" I shouted, a couple minutes after, you can hear shouting and running around the house.

Well this is our regular setting, I wake up and do the cooking then wake them up and we all then go to school here on out.

Hey! I am Mizuki Takaya, 18 years old and currently in my 2nd year in high school. I am the oldest of three siblings one is a year younger than me and tour only boy is 8 years younger. I am a typical girl on the outside, out going, friendly and kind as they say. Well that is what they see in me, that is what I let them see in me.

No one knows that I am actually a very negative kind of person, I see things negatively on my part. I doubt everything I do and ends up not doing them at all, I also lack confidence, a total opposite of what they see in me. Well, the important part here is that no one should know, I don't want people pitying me just for this.

When we arrived at North Shore High,  me and my sister separated our ways and I went to my classroom. There I saw my group of friends consisting Glen, Joan, Kaer and Jia. They are the people I always hang out with.

First day of class is always boring and in each subject you always have to do the same thing. Introducing yourself in front of the class.

"Next" our homeroom teacher Ms. Daisy mentioned and I stood up and went in front.

I changed my expressionless face with my usual shy, clumsy and happy face.

"Hello guys.... the names Mizuki, some calls me Mizu.. I even prefer Jar-r..18 and still single but ready to mingle, nice to meet you" I stated happily and everyone laughed.

As they laughed and continued the activity I went to my seat and continued observing. While in the middle of the introduction, the door opened and revealed a young man taller than average. As I looked at him, I noticed his eyes made him look like a Japanese person so my first impression of the guy is that he is a transfer student. Together with him  is another guy though shorter than him and has darker complexion focusing in his eyes they seem more arabic and it has such wonderful texture.

"Why are you late Mr. Grey and Mr. Smith?" asked Ms. Daisy

"We're sorry maám we were at the Choir's office and got a little bit side tracked" explained the smaller one of the two

"Very well, it's your turn to introduce yourselves" she said

" Hey guys! I am Alex Smith, 18 and a member of our school's choir group" introduced the small guy

Huh?! he doesn't sound like someone from outside the country.

"The names Geno Grey, 18 and also a member of the choir" introduced the taller one

Okay now that person have some accent. 

The guy named Alex sat at the front row line while the one named Geno sat in front of me. He seems snob and what not.

After the introduction it went on like that for the whole day. It does seem boring, so I decided to take my scrapbook out and started to scribble. I won't actually say draw 'çause I am pretty sure I won't be able to finish it anyway. 

Though it seemed different today, I actually got to finish the drawing. It's a girl holding a knife, wow cool. When I was about to keep my materials, I was suddenly called by my sister outside the room so I left my things there.

When I came back Geno was looking at all my drawings and when I came near he asked.

"Did you draw all of these?" he said

"Uhmm, yeah got a problem with it?" I replied

"So cool, so you're an Otaku?" he joyfully said

"Uhmm yeah, are you an Otaku too?" I aksed 


Before he could answer the bell suddenly rang and Glen called me over.

"Oh sorry I gotta go, matane" I suddenly said

"Hai!" he smiled and responded 


Huh? What was that? Was the only thing I thought before I was dragged by Glen through the crowd of students in the cafeteria.


I am not really sure if this was good or what


Comment for any suggestions 

and hope you did enjoy the story..

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2016 ⏰

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