Chapter Twenty-Four: The Kahnum

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Mileena watches as Ashrah's luminous, dust remains levitate in the sky, maintaining their form. Smoke holds Mileena back out of concern for her safety, but eases his grip. Though hurt, Mileena manages to calm herself with knowing Ashrah may finally be able to find peace. Mileena's eyes meet the blade that lies on the grassy terrain in front of the large portal. She walks forward as Smoke ceases his grip completely. Smoke watches her, feeling sorry for her loss as she takes the blade into her hands. The luminous dust continues to whirl around while Mileena peers down at the crimson stained blade in an unfamiliar sadness.

"I have...I have never felt guilty over death..." Mileena thinks to herself.

Smoke hears this thought and places a hand upon her shoulder. A blinding, bright light then flashes across the blade, causing Mileena to drop it. She and Smoke back away and shield their eyes with their arms as the blade now ascends to the whirling, luminous remains of Ashrah. The remains begin to twirl in the air faster and faster around the blade. The blade begins to glow in the purest white, and then another bright flash comes, taking all of the excess light with it. Mileena and Smoke then unshield their eyes and gaze into the sky.

Mileena gasps at what seems to be an unbelievable sight. Ashrah, who had just commit hara kiri, now descends to their level with the glowing blade in her hand and a pure halo highlighting her form. She lands on the ground where she stood before, directly in front of the portal. However, Ashrah's expression is one of confusion. Mileena approaches her swiftly.


"I—I no longer feel Shinnok's hold upon me. The sword's prophecy is...complete. I...I," her soft eyes display great awe.

"The Elder Gods must have granted you such a fate, we were sure you were gone," Smoke comes to Mileena's side.

Mileena nods and places her hands onto the purified Ashrah's shoulders.

"We have no time, now that you are free of his pathetic influence, I must ask if you would accompany me to the emperor's fortress," Mileena tells her. "Aid me in taking vengeance against the likes of Shinnok and Shao Kahn."

Ashrah nods sincerely, as her eyes alone state that she has waited for such an opportunity for millennia. Mileena smiles wickedly at her speedy cooperation. Smoke silently takes in his beloved's strong leadership qualities, feeling much impressed with her development as a person. It's as if she is molding into the warrior she's always wanted to be, as well as the warrior he knew she could be.

"Then we proceed, quickly," she commands, and they all leap through the portal.

Sindel levitates, ascending the Sky Temple, cradling an unconscious Kitana in her arms. She comes to the top of the Sky Temple and lands on the stone floor. She quickly jogs with Kitana in her arms the way she came, through the door that leads to a staircase. She swiftly descends the staircase and paces through the Jinsei chamber's entrance.

Sindel walks deep into the Jinsei. She lays Kitana on what appears to be a stone-like bench. She makes sure to set Kitana down gently, for she and Mileena nearly killed each other. The wounds Kitana has already illuminate and begin to slowly close, stopping her excessive loss of blood. Sindel backs away and examines her daughter with saddened eyes. With the emperor's invasion worsening, she cannot stand by Kitana's side until she regains consciousness. However, it is for the sake of the realm.

Sindel places a hand on Kitana's shoulder and plants a kiss on her forehead. She backs away, silently swearing to herself that she shall return soon. She begins to spin as violet aura shines at her feet. Soon enough, the energy engulfs her body, causing her to vanish from the Jinsei chamber.

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