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Dear Diary,

Thank goodness it’s Sunday! No school today for me! Today, I found one advantage of having no friends: No one knows who my crazy parents are or where my house is for that matter. I can live a peaceful day, but I did see one of those boys today at church. The one I saw name is Johann. He’s the one who got everyone to start teasing me. He was going to tease me at church but then he realized he couldn’t because he was in the house of God. If he did tease me though, he would be damned to hell and rot in the flames there. At least mommy doesn’t read my diary and respects my privacy. Because, when I told her that Johann would be damed to hell if he teased me in church, she was so mad that I knew that phrase. That taught me not to say those words to or in front of mommy. But also, those stupid boys that tease me say even worse words that what I say. One time, one of them said a word so bad that the Ms. Tveiten yelled at him, smacked his knuckles with a ruler, washed his mouth out with dirty soap that had cobwebs all over it (I almost vomited!), and told his parents what he had said. Also, she deprived him of his chalkboard privileges. He was so angry about that! But, even though he’s a horrible boy because his friend Johann had told him to say that word, I would still like a friend please.

Today, my poem is:

Those boys in my class are so nice

Because they are the sugar and I am the disgusting spice 

(Combination of lies and couplet poems)

Sebastian Zachariassen

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