Chapter 6: Conner's excited to be killing entertainment

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AN:this chapter through chapter 10 are based on the Hunger games its really good. They are only based on the 1st book but if you haven't read it there may be some spoiling.

The book I picked up was none other than the Hunger Games. I knew that was then the book we would have to go into. I was now shaking in fear. I crumbled to the floor shaking and scared but silent. Katie was the first to find me. She saw the look on my face and saw what book I was holding and immediately understood. A look of fear passed over her face and she screamed. This certaintly didn't make me feel any better. Her scream brought everyone over.

By then I had recollected myself a little bit and was able to stand up and hand the book over to Chiron. Now that I think about it why was the Hunger Games even at Camp Half Blood in the first place? "This is the one." I told him, my voice surprisingly clear.

He looked at the title and then solemnly said, "Then you need to prepare."

He went off to call Anthony and left us in the library. Katie found another copy on their computer and started reading it. Figures, that she'd have already read it. I, having already read it, (hence, why I was so freaked out.) and handed it over to Mark, who knowing the importance, started reading immediately.

Anthony and Chiron came back, having decided that we would go back to Tider for training, but it would be intense training and less schoolwork. Connor and Mark cheered up a little bit at that. They loved training and obviously there are always subjects that no one really likes. Katie, however, loves school and was pretty unhappy about the news, but when told we would still have Book Study she cheered up a little bit. I for one, wasn't sure what to think.

Training for the next week was really hard. By intense, I was thinking a little harder and longer not lets go to the Olympics hard. By the end of practice every day I was seriously thinking that I would dissolve into a little pool of sweat. Was it always this hot here? Everyone worked extra hard that week, even our instructors. I mean, when you're getting ready to jump into a book and fight for your lives, you would too.

At the end of the long, hot and overall tiring week, we went into this room where the sole object in it was a thing that looked like it had been taken directly from Beauty and the Beast. Standing in the room was a wardrobe that belonged in Belle's room. I was waiting for the moment when it would open up its drawers and speak to me, showing me the perfect outfit. They called it the Book Changer, but to me it will forever be remembered as part of Belles world.

Katie was supposed to go in first but she wa claudtrophobic so I was shoved in while they pressed buttons on a panel that had popped out from nowhere. When I stepped in there was a blinding light and then darkness. I felt my jeans and T-shirt take on a new form, molding into something new. When I walked out and was able to see again I looked at my new outfit. I was wearing a black leather jacket, hiking boots, and leggings. I was going to blend in well duting the night, now all I would have to do is stay alive. Oh, and help Katniss through Rue or Peeta. (We weren't allowed to change the book but we would help through Rue and Peeta.

Next Connor went in and came back out wearing a balck leather jacket, a brown shirt, and black pants along with the same pair of hiking boots I was wearing. Mark came out wearing the same thing except he had a green thermal shirt and brown pants. After that, we had to force Katie into it, lying that it was way more spacious within then it looked. By looking at the fear in her eyes you honestly couldn't tell if she was more scared of going into the wardrobe or the Hunger Games.

We walked out of the building in our new clothes and saw Faith walking by. I was feeling all cool andd macho until Faith looked at us and screamed. "Ahhhh!" She yelled, obviously freaked out.

"Yeah, were going on a mission." Connor said, suddenly very optimistic.

Mark must have noticed this too because he turned to Connor with a surprise expression and said, "You're awfully happy to be going into a book where people have to kill each other for entertainment."

"Well, yeah, We're going Book Jumping!" He happily said while jumping up and down. He certainly looked like a very capable bad boy. I do wonder why they're letting him come with us?{I hope you do know that's sarcasm}

"Okay, settle down. We gotta go so by Faith!" I yelled over my shoulder while dragging Connor away. I shot her a don't-tell-anyone look and she game me a nod to let me know she understood. I don't know what theyre telling the school but, I do know that no one is supposed to know the real reason that we had weird training classes. They must have told them a pretty good excuse because all the girls at practice were fine with it and acted normal.

We followed the directions they had given us and arrived in front of a run down building that looked like it would fall apart in two seconds. However, when we went inside it looked brand new. My mouth had fallen open so I quickly shut it and walked further into the building in awe.

The building had a wide open floor plan and this surprised me. On the outside it looked like a small run down shack but on the inside it seemed to just keep stretching. The walls were a bright white and practically sparkled when sunlight from a skylight bounced off of them. There were big tall book shelves lining some of the bookshelves with a mixture of books new and old put together. Even the sofas, beds and a kitchen looked completely natural here. The room looked fancy, casual, modern and traditional at the same time. They must have hired one hell of an interior designer.


My grandfather had some explaining to do.

When my grandfather did walk in the room I opened my mouth to ask him about this place but he just put his hand up as a signal for me to stop talking and said, "This was a room for the very best Book Jumpers as a safe place during the Old War. After the war everything valuable or important to the Book Jumpers was put here. You four, are an important part of our well being and will have access to this room. You are only to come here when called or for an emergency and even then you are to tell no one about us."

We all agreed and promised not to mention this to anyone ever and then went into another room. We were then given a backpack of supplies and were then sent into yet another room. This room different from all the other rooms and was covered in white, except for a small gray console with a blue button. After listening to my grandfathers instructions he left us.

I then went over to the console and pressed the button. Then I recited, "Annabella, Connor, Katie, Mark. Book Jumpers 2357816"

There wasn't a blinding light like I expected but a soft blue light that covered the room. I felt a tug in my gut and was morphed into an entirely different world.

AN: Thank you so much for reading! I've also decided to update at least once a week! At least until we get to Chapter 20. Please comment any suggestions or ways I can make this better. So far, ive written 19 chapters and 18 of them (as of March 7) are on Quotev. Like I said this is going to be a little different since I am now realizing how many loopholes are in the original! If I miss any and leave loose ends here please tell me so that when I go back and do a major edit I can use it!

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