Chapter 18

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I opened my eyes slowly, stiff and groggy form a long and very deep sleep. Glancing over to my alarm clock, I saw that it read 5:45. Well, damn. There was still another hour before I actually needed to get up. I pondered going back to sleep, but decided against it. Now that I was awake, I wouldn’t be able to fall back to sleep again.

I slowly dragged myself out of bed, slipping into my slippers and trudging to my bathroom to brush my teeth, but walking very quietly, I didn’t want to wake my father up. My mother would probably just be leaving for work now, so there was no trouble with her. I wonder what she had thought about what I had left for her on the kitchen table. I supposed I would find out later.

I brushed my hair and teeth slowly, a nagging sensation in the back of my mind. Like I was forgetting something really important. But for the life of me, I couldn’t figure out what it was. Confused, I pulled my hair back into a ponytail and put away my toothbrush.

I tiptoed back into my room, and walked over to my dresser. Reaching in, I grabbed out some clothes, jeans and a tee-shirt I had gotten from camp last year. Dressed, I sat on the edge of my bed, to pull on my socks. After I pulled the second one on, I glanced up, and happened to notice to inconspicuous desk in the corner of my room.

And then it all came back to me.

Normally, I tried to forget my little trips to the rift. I pushed them out of my mind when I woke up. I had done the same thing this time, because I was used to having to hide my dreams, forget tall the unpleasant things that happened in them. But this time, I wouldn’t have called my dream unpleasant, although, it did have a bit of a sour note.

I leapt off the bed, and just about screamed, when I remembered my father sleeping down the hall. I winced, and raced as quietly as I could over to the desk.

I knelt down beside it. I was shaking. I tried to remember what Faith had said… lower right hand drawer. Got it.

With shaking fingers, I reached over to the desk, and pulled open the door. It slid open, and a wave of dust hit me in the face. I coughed, and waved at the air, wondering what had been left in here, neglected, for so long. I reached in with shaking fingers, grasping at the air inside the drawer, feeling round, and eventually my fingers caught on a long, thin chain. I pulled.

 Out came a silver chain, wound around my fingers. On it hung a silver key. Both slightly dusty, but otherwise they looked all right. The key was small, with the number 204 scratched into the side. I had no idea what that meant.

I swore. Loudly. So loudly, in fact, that I covered my mouth and looked over my shoulder, afraid that my father had heard. I was just so frustrated! How the hell was this supposed to help me?!? I didn’t even know what the damn key was for!

Angry, I launched the key in into my wall. I found the bang rather satisfying. The key landed on the floor next to me. Faith had told me to get it. It must mean something…

Grudgingly, I put it on. Not that I thought it would be of any help.

I jumped as my alarm clock’s annoying beep sounded throughout my room. Springing up, I stomped over to shut it up. Then I stalked downstairs, tucking the key in my shirt where my father wouldn’t see.

I walked into the kitchen, and over to the fridge, pouring myself some milk and added cereal. I sat down at the table, to notice that my bouquet was still there were I had left it. On the bottom was a sticky note, but it was a different color from the one that I had left there last night. I reached out, and pulled it off.


It was a heart. And the only other person who had been up this morning was my mother. I felt the shape of the key through my shirt. It had to mean something.

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